Chapter 199 Linhai Town

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Chapter 199 Linhai Town

  The next day, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin left the inn after breakfast, and went to the largest commercial firm in Haicheng——Tianhai Commercial Firm.

  Tianhai Trading Company not only sells potions, magic weapons, medicinal materials and weapon refining materials, but also sells ship tickets. Many big forces will entrust Tianhai Trading Company to sell ferry tickets. It can be said that Tianhai Trading Company has monopolized the entire maritime trade market. As long as you want to buy a ship ticket, you must come to Tianhai Trading Company.

  And Tianhai Commercial Bank has a total of four branches, and the locations of the branches are distributed in four directions: east, west, north, south. Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin were going to the Magician Continent in the west, so they had to come to the western branch.

  The couple went directly to the fifth floor and found Manager Cao, who was in charge of shipping.

  Seeing that Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin were well dressed, Manager Cao greeted them with a smile. "Invite the two guests."

  "Manager Cao, we would like to buy two tickets to the Magician Continent." With a smile, Shen Xuyao explained his purpose.

  "Oh, Magician Continent!" As he said this, Manager Cao took out a notebook and started checking it. "Three months later, there will be a ship from the Xu family caravan. In addition, nine months later there will be a ship from the Huo family. These are the two ships this year. Which one do you two want to take? ah?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "We want to take the Huo Family Trading Company's boat. Can we book tickets?"

  "Of course, there are three kinds of tickets. The ticket for the six-person room is 10 million spirit stones, the ticket for the two-person room is 30 million spirit stones, the ticket for the single room is 80 million spirit stones, and the two-person room is 80 million spirit stones. Which one do you want?" Manager Cao smiled and asked.

  "We want a double room, two ferry tickets, two people living in one room." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao said.

  "Okay, room six, how about number 11 and 12?" Manager Cao asked after looking at the account book in his hand.

  "Okay, thank you, Manager Cao." After saying that, Shen Xuyao took out 60 million spiritual stones and handed them to the other party.

  "You two are welcome." He took the spirit stone and checked it to make sure it was correct. Manager Cao took out two silver plaques, a messenger jade pendant and a key and handed them to the two of them. "Both of you, take these two boat tickets and keys away. Also, you have also taken this message jade pendant. Before sailing, someone will inform you at which pier to board the boat. If you lose anything , or if you didn’t board the ship by then, delaying the time and being unable to board the ship, then we are irresponsible!”

  "Thank you, Manager Cao, for reminding us. We will remember it." Nodding, Shen Xuyao said that he had remembered it.

  "That's good."

  After completing the transaction, Shen Xuyao collected the boat ticket and keys, and left Tianhai Commercial Firm with Murong Jin.

  Walking on the street, Shen Xuyao clearly felt that someone was following them behind him. And Murong Jin also felt that someone was following them as soon as they left the trading house.

  "Xu Yao, it seems like someone is following us."

  After hearing his lover's message, Shen Xuyao glanced at his lover. "I feel it too. Don't look back. Let's go back to the inn first. After returning to the inn, I will directly use the spiritual speech technique to go to Linhai Town."

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