Chapter 77 Jiang Yue's Family

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Chapter 77 Jiang Yue’s Family

  Shen Xuyao and Kane were distributing opportunities when suddenly they heard a wolf howling.

  "Ouch..." Someone came from Xiaoyuan and was trying to break into the formation.

  After hearing Feng Yinglang's words, Shen Xuyao's face immediately became serious and he hurriedly put away the medicinal materials in his hand. "Kane, Xiaofeng, let's go, get out of here." With that said, Shen Xuyao slapped a blue cover.

  A golden formation lit up on the blue cover, and the two disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  The scene in front of him flashed, and Shen Xuyao, Kane and Feng Yinglang appeared next to the Duobao tree. Shen Xuyao put away the Wind Shadow Wolf with a wave of his hand. He took Kane's arm, used Spiritual Words twice, and left the ginkgo forest.

  Standing in a bush, Kane couldn't help but rolled his eyes. "This place is not safe at first glance!"

  "It's okay. Let's find a hidden place and set up a few protective formations. Let's take a rest first." After experiencing two battles in succession, both Kane and Shen Xuyao were very tired.

  "Okay!" Nodding, Kane agreed.

  The two found a secluded and secluded place, set up a tent, and arranged a protective formation. Stayed here to rest.

  Shen Xuyao and Kane stayed here to rest for a few days, and when Kane and Shen Xuyao recovered, the Wind Shadow Wolf's injury also healed. They continued eastward.

  There is no chance in this jungle, but there are many monsters and medicinal materials here. However, compared to the centuries-old medicinal materials in the medicine garden, the medicinal materials here are somewhat inferior.

  On this day, Shen Xuyao and Kane encountered a late-level three-stage armored beast. This armored beast was more than two meters tall, with a head like a cow and limbs like a tiger. With thick armor all over his body, he looked a bit like a big crab. Anyway! This guy doesn't look very good, but his armor is very durable. Shen Xuyao and Kane teamed up but couldn't attack for a long time.

  Shen Xuyao took out a soul ring and failed to take down the armored beast after using the spirit word technique twice. He threw it directly towards the armored beast.


  The armored beast's hard shell was shattered, and its hill-like body fell to the ground.

  Seeing that the armored beast was finally dead, Kane secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's finally dead. You..."

  Before Kane finished speaking, he saw that the mask on Shen Xuyao's face was broken, and the four protective rings on his fingers were also broken at the same time. In addition, the belt, the soft armor, the hairpin, a pair of protective bracelets, and ten other magical artifacts were all broken.

  Dazed for a moment, the two turned around at the same time, and saw that standing behind them was none other than the original owner's fifth aunt Jiang Yue and her family of four.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao's face, Jiang Yue's family of four were also stunned. "You, you are a little waste, how could it be you?"

  Looking at my aunt's face like seeing a monster, she was shocked, stunned, and unbelievable. Shen Xuyao sneered. "You guys are so brave, you dare to sneak attack me!"

  "Jiang Yuan, stop talking nonsense and hand over the medicinal materials you found in the medicine garden. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." At this point, Li Changqing couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. Although the other party's identity surprised him a bit. However, he had seen the situation in the medicine garden. Jiang Yuan and his accomplices had poached at least thirty century-old medicinal plants. Those were all precious century-old medicinal materials!

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