Chapter 37 Get the card

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Chapter 37 Get the card

  The three-tailed golden lion was first trapped in the Ten Thousand Sword Killing Formation and suffered scars all over his body. He was injured again by Shen Xuyao's explosive ball. He was already scarred. There were many people on Shen Xuyao's side. Soon, the three-tailed golden lion was killed by two people and two beasts on Shen Xuyao's side.

  Looking at the corpses of the three golden-haired lions on the ground, Murong Jin immediately put away the corpses. "Xu Yao, I'm going to dispose of the body, and you can see if there are any other spiritual fruits and medicinal materials."

  "No, Beishan is more dangerous. We don't want to act alone. Let's check the situation here first, and then leave together." As he said that, Shen Xuyao put away his monster ribs.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked at Shen Xuyao. He nodded in agreement. "Alright, it's more dangerous here, so let's not separate."

  "Let's go, let's go to the cave of the three-tailed golden lion. Generally, there are medicinal materials of high age in the caves of the second-level monsters."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. They left with Shen Xuyao.

  The two walked forward and soon found the cave of the three-tailed golden lion. This is a very large cave. The aura in the cave is very strong, and indeed a lot of medicinal herbs grow there.

  "There are so many herbs!" Standing on Murong Jin's shoulder, Xiao Lan exclaimed.

  "Well, it's quite a lot." As he said that, Murong Jin immediately took out his tools and began to dig the medicinal materials in the cave.

  After looking at the herbs, Shen Xuyao walked into the cave, took out the lighting stone and stared at the east wall of the cave.

  "Brother Xuyao, what are you looking at?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously after flying to Shen Xuyao's shoulder.

  "I'm looking at this wall." Said, Shen Xuyao knocked on the stone wall with his hand. Sure enough, as the original book said, the stone wall was hollow.

  "What's the matter?" Walking over, Murong Jin asked suspiciously.

  Turning his head, Shen Xuyao looked at Murong Jin beside him. "This wall is hollow."

  "Hollow, no way, how could it be hollow?" Shouldn't this kind of naturally formed wall be solid?

  "Murong, you take Xiaolan out first. I'll try to blow it up." Saying this, Shen Xuyao took out another explosive ball that he was reluctant to use before.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin froze for a moment, then nodded. He took Xiaolan out of the cave together.

Stepping to the entrance of the cave, Shen Xuyao directly threw the explosive ball in his hand.


  With a loud noise, the hollow wall was blasted, and another cave was exposed in front of the two of them.

  Seeing that there is actually a cave in the cave, Murong Jin couldn't help but be stunned. "Sure enough, there is something wrong with it."

  "I'll go and have a look, you wait for me here." Said, Shen Xuyao walked in.

  "Let's go together!" Following Shen Xuyao, Murong Jin was worried that his lover would be in danger, so he didn't stay.

  Glancing at Murong Jin who was following behind, Shen Xuyao didn't say much.

  Walking into this dusty cave, Shen Xuyao looked around. He saw a stone bed on the left side of the cave, on which lay a skeleton. Other than that, there is nothing else in the cave.

  "There is a corpse! Unfortunately, there is no space ring." Flying over to check it, Xiaolan looked disappointed.

  Glancing at Xiaolan, Shen Xuyao walked over. After touching the corpse's tattered clothes, he found a bag made of animal skin from the other person's arms. After dusting off the bag, Shen Xuyao opened the bag and took out five cards from inside. Looking carefully at each one, Shen Xuyao was ecstatic. I found it, five, not a lot.

  Seeing the card in the man's hand, Murong Jin looked curious. "Xu Yao, what is that?"

  Raising his eyes, Shen Xuyao glanced at the person beside him. "Go back and say, we must leave here immediately." This is a treasure, there must be no mistakes.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

  Putting away five cards, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin and left the cave.

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