chapter 43 comfort xiaolan

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Chapter 43

  At night, in Murong Jin's room

  After returning to the room, Murong Jin released Xiaolan from the sea of consciousness.

  Flying in front of her master, Xiaolan looked aggrieved. "Master, why did you give up all the Lingshi to Xiaoyan!"

  Looking at the wronged Xiaolan, Murong Jin raised his hand and touched Xiaolan's buds distressedly. "Don't be like this, Xu Yao found those five cards in the first place. If he hadn't discovered that the wall was hollow, we would have never been able to find that corpse, nor would we have been able to get those five cards."

  "But, brother Xuyao is your lover? Why can't you give me the spirit stone?"

  "Xiaolan, Xuyao treats you so well on weekdays. Every time he buys 200 pieces of Lingyu, he gives you 130 yuan, 120 yuan. Xiaoyan only has 70 or 80 yuan of spirit stones. .You can't always give away the good stuff!"

  Hearing what the master said, Xiaolan nodded. "I know, I know brother Xuyao treats me well. He loves me the most on weekdays. He gives me more Lingyu than Xiaoyan, and even gives me medicine every now and then."

  "Since you know that he loves you, you have to think about him. Xu Yao is only at the beginning of the second level. Moreover, the Jiang family is still looking for Xu Yao, wanting to kill and seize treasure. In this case , Xu Yao's more strength means more self-protection ability. So, you can't compete with Xiaoyan, you know?"

  "I, I didn't want to fight with Xiaoyan. Isn't that five thousand spirit stones? I, I want two hundred, can't I?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin sighed and squeezed Xiaolan's leaves in distress. "Be obedient, we don't want this chance, let's give it to Xu Yao, first let Xu Yao improve his strength, and later, Xu Yao and I will find a better opportunity for you, okay?"

  "Okay!" Nodding, Xiaolan reluctantly agreed.

  "Good boy, here you go." After saying that, Murong Jin took out a piece of spiritual jade and gave it to Xiaolan.

  After looking at the spiritual jade, and then thinking about the spiritual stones that were more delicious than the spiritual jade, Xiaolan sighed. "Master, do you dislike Xiaolan now? You only have Xiaoyan in your heart."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "If I were not partial to Xiao Yan, you would have snatched up all of Xiao Yan's opportunities. Besides, I am partial to Xiao Yan. Doesn't it mean that Xu Yao is not partial to you? None of the spiritual jades and potions you use were given to you by Xu Yao. of?"

  "That's right, brother Xuyao likes me more than Xiaoyan." Thinking of this, Xiaolan felt more or less comforted.

  "In the future, Xu Yao and I will be partners. Therefore, you and Xiao Yan should also get along well with each other and don't care so much. Xiao Yan's strength has improved, which is also a good thing for us. In the future, it can protect you and you Let's fight together."

  Looking at her master, Xiaolan frowned. "But, Xiaoyan is a weapon soul pet. It can't release poison. How can it fight alongside me?"

  "Why not? You can deal with enemies and monsters together?"

  "The weapon soul pet is useless in battle. Besides, when we went hunting together, I never saw Xiaoyan fight, right?"

  "Why not? When we dealt with the three-tailed golden lion before, didn't Xiaoyan shoot two blue lights?"

  Hearing this, Xiaolan thought about it carefully. "Oh, what are you talking about? That's so weird? Is Xiaoyan a seal? Shouldn't I pat the lion's head? Why is it still shining? It's not a sword."

  "It is a weapon soul pet, and you are a wooden soul pet. The attack methods of the two of you are naturally different. However, no matter what, Xiaoyan will become your most trustworthy partner in the future, so you must love it closely. .You can't take its chance. Understand?"

  "Understood." Nodding sullenly, Xiao Lan reluctantly agreed.

  Looking at the soul pet who was finally convinced by him, Murong Jin smiled. I hope that this time Xu Yao can successfully advance to the third level by virtue of these opportunities. If Xu Yao had advanced to the third level, he wouldn't need that woman. Thinking of that woman, Murong Jin's expression changed. In his heart, he still doesn't like Xu Yao having other women by his side.


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