Chapter 190 Sky Moon Grass

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Chapter 190 Sky Moon Grass

  Standing at the entrance of the medicine garden, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin looked around. The two people discovered that there were many precious and rare medicinal materials planted in the garden, each of which was priceless. Most of them are fifth-level, sixth-level, and seventh-level high-end medicinal materials.

  "Oh, it would be great if all these medicinal materials were real." At this point, Xiaolan sighed.

  "Yes, if all this is true, we will publish it. Unfortunately, that is impossible." At this point, Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh. In fact, it also hopes that the treasures here are real, so that they can transplant these treasures into the owner's space.

  "I think at least one herb should be real." After thinking for a while, Murong Jin said. This is the experience he gained from eradicating the first mural. He felt that the spirit treasure in this painting should be a precious medicinal herb. I just don’t know which one it is.

  "I also think the Lingbao here should be a priceless medicine. However, I think we should kill the snake first, then rest here for a night and look for the Lingbao tomorrow." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao expressed his thoughts.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked at his lover suspiciously. "Rest here for the night? Xu Yao, aren't you in a hurry?"

  "Why are you in a hurry?" Shen Xuyao asked back, raising his eyebrows.

  "But, this side hall is a study, and there are many soul pet masters in the study!" Thinking of this, Murong Jin felt very uneasy.

"That's why we have to recharge our batteries, eat well, sleep well, and let them stay outside all night. We sleep here all night. Tell us who is in better fighting condition when we get up early?" Shen Xuyao asked with a smile. got up.

  Hearing what his lover said, Murong Jin thought for a moment. "Well, what you said makes sense. We can't be too tired. Being too tired will affect our fighting level. And Xiaolan and Xiaoyan, it's time for them to eat too."

  Soul pets are just like people. If they don't eat and their spiritual energy is overused, the soul pets will be very tired and lack energy. In the past, Xiaolan often went hungry with him. Therefore, Xiaolan often felt sleepy during that period, and her body was always limp and weak.

  "Yes, we only have one enemy here, and that is the black python. As long as we kill it, this place is the safest place. We can rest here with peace of mind. So I said kill the python first." For Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin, now, the world of murals is safer than the outside. Because only painters can enter this kind of mural world, and only one painter can enter a mural world. In other words, other soul pet masters from outside cannot enter this mural world. The only danger here is that A snake.

  Looking at his lover, Murong Jin nodded. "Okay, I'll listen to you, kill the python first, find an opportunity tomorrow, and have a good rest tonight."

  "In a moment, you use the sword array to trap the python, and I will kill it with my last spiritual spell today."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked confused. "The last Spirit Word spell today? Did you use Spirit Word spell today? Why didn't I know?"

  Seeing his lover's confused look, Shen Xuyao smiled. "How could you not know? I used the spirit word technique to break the protective shield and painted the eyes twice, three times in total?"

  After receiving such an answer, Murong Jin was stunned. "Drawing eyes is a spiritual skill?"

  "Of course, Xiaoyan is a spiritual oracle. His abilities are knowledge of the past and present, ever-changing knowledge, and treasure recognition. Apart from these three things, all other things can only be accomplished by spiritual oracles." Faced with the doubts of his lover, Shen Xuyao gave a detailed explanation.

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