Chapter 123 Wu Brothers

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Chapter 123 Wu Brothers

  Sitting on the back of his mount, Shen Xuyao hugged his lover next to him. He took out a blanket and covered the two of them.

  "Xu Yao, who are those people and why did they come to this village?"

  Hearing his wife's question, Shen Xuyao snorted disdainfully. "Those two men, one named Wu Hao and the other Wu Ming, are the sons of the mayor of Wutong Town. The two bastards are lustful and like to play and torture. The ones in the city like to play with wild flowers when they get tired of playing. In fact, , they came tonight to patronize that Zhao Qing."

  "Zhao Qing, so, Zhao Qing's mother and son found me as a scapegoat?" Thinking of this, Murong Jin's face was very ugly.

  "Yes, last month, those two guys went to the nearby Monster Mountain to practice and also came to Zhao Qing's house for help. As a result, they fell in love with Zhao Qing. They asked Zhao Qing to stay with them for a few days. They gave Zhao Qing 10,000 yuan. The spirit stone, however, was very painful for Zhao Qing, and it took him a month to raise it. Knowing that they were coming today, Zhao Qing told his mother that he did not want to serve those two men, so the mother and son came up with the idea. Li Daitao's countermeasures." At this point, Shen Xuyao's eyes were filled with hatred. The mother is a pair of beasts.

  "Poor people must have something to hate!" It is indeed pitiful for Zhao's mother and son to be helpless in the village, but it is indeed extremely hateful that they can think of a way to harm him to avoid disaster.

  "Murong, give me the space rings of those four people. The Wu brothers have special status. These four space rings cannot be moved. They should be placed in the ring space for now." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao thought of the space ring.

  "Okay!" Nodding, Murong Jin handed over the four interspatial rings to his lover.

  Shen Xuyao took it and put them all into the ring space.

  "You, I like to use soul rings. You only have six soul rings. When we just sent them over, you used up one and gave two to Zicuckoo. You used up two more tonight, and there are only six soul rings left. It's next." At this point, Murong Jin complained a bit.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao frowned helplessly. "The brothers of the Wu family are the sons of the town lord. I'm afraid they have the soul rings of sixth-level soul pet masters, so I can only act first."

  "Is that so!" After thinking about it, the lover's concerns are not unreasonable.

  "Don't feel bad about these, as long as the two of us are safe, nothing else matters."

  "Well, that's true." He didn't expect that even if he stayed in a village, he would encounter such a thing. To be honest, Murong Jin felt quite unlucky.

  "The leader of Wutong Town is at the mid-sixth level, and he is grandpa Xiao Ran's nephew with a very strong backing. We killed his two sons this time, and he will definitely not let it go. So, in the future, I'm afraid we have to change our appearance." Having said that, Shen Xuyao sighed.

  "Xiao Ran's grandfather is the town owner's uncle, that is, the uncle and grandfather of those two people. So, those two people are related to Xiao Ran's brother and sister?" Murong Jin didn't expect this.

  "Well, there are relatives. Xiao Ran's father and the town owner are cousins. However, the relationship between the two is not very good. However, Xiao Ran's grandfather is still good to this nephew."

  "I see, it seems we are in trouble!" Thinking of this, Murong Jin frowned. No wonder the old bitch was so shocked at that time. It turned out that the identity of the two people was so extraordinary.

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