chapter 99 Alliance contract

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Chapter 99

  Two days later, Shen Xuyao invited the Meris family to come to his tent to discuss the contract. Originally, he only invited four of Josie's father and brother, but Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin were surprised to find that the Meiris family had come. Eight people, plus Josie is exactly nine people.

  "Xuyao, let me introduce you. This is my father, and this is my second uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, fifth uncle, sixth uncle, seventh aunt, and eighth aunt. Father, this is my good friend, and also My savior Jiang Yuan." Qiao Xi introduced him with a smile.

  "I have met all the friends of Meris, please sit down." With a smile, Shen Xuyao politely let everyone take their seats.

  Bringing out fruits and snacks, Murong Jin greeted the group of guests immediately.

  "Nephew Jiang Xian, thank you for saving Josie before." Lowering his head, Driss thanked him with a smile.

  "Uncle is out of touch by saying that. Josie is our friend." After speaking, Shen Xuyao took the teapot and poured a cup of tea for everyone.

  Hearing what Shen Xuyao said, Dries nodded. "Josh told me about the quota. Uncle is very grateful to you for sharing such a big matter with our Merris family."

  "Uncle's words are out of context again!"

  Hearing this, Driss laughed. "Well, a family doesn't talk about two families. Josie and Kane have already reached the point where they are talking about marriage. From now on, we are also in-laws, and we are all a family."

  "What uncle said is that we are all a family. When good things happen, I will naturally think of the Melis family." Smiling, Shen Xuyao said the same.

  "Since nephew Jiang Xian said so, I would like to ask, how many people can this teleportation array pass on at a time?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at the person who asked the question. It was Josie's seventh aunt, a female magician in the middle of the third level. "ten people."

  After receiving such an answer, Aunt Seven couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. "You can teleport ten people, so you can give our Melis family four places. Isn't this too few?"

  "Yes, don't you mean we are a family, or in-laws? Shouldn't we be given more places?"

  "We don't want more. Just ask Nephew Jiang to give us three more places."

  "Yes, we want three more spots."

  Looking at the four people talking, Kane's face couldn't help but sink. Xin said: Josie, these two concubine uncles and these two concubine aunts are really shameless, and they even took the initiative to ask for a place.

  His eyes swept over the four people one by one. Shen Xuyao looked at Josie's father Driss. "Does uncle also mean this?"

  "No, I respect Nephew Jiang Xian. It's just that our Meilis family has a relatively large population, and some members of the family didn't get four places. They want to see Nephew Jiang Xian and make a final fight." In fact, Driss originally didn't want to bring these people, but he had no choice but to bring all four of them.

  After hearing Derris' answer, Shen Xuyao nodded and took a slow sip of tea. Then he said: "There are no extra places. All ten places have been arranged."

  "No, how could it be? Aren't there just three of you here?"

  "Yeah, aren't there only three of you?"

  "Nephew Jiang, we are all a family, please don't lie to us?"

  Looking at the three people talking, Shen Xuyao smiled. "I gave the Mu family three places."

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