Chapter 131 Lover Valley

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Chapter 131 Lover Valley

  one year later,

  Murong Jin was sitting at the dining table having dinner, suddenly, Shen Xuyao's figure appeared in front of Murong Jin's.

  Looking at his lover standing in front of him, Murong Jin was stunned for a moment, the bowl and chopsticks in his hand involuntarily fell out of his hands and fell on the table.

  Seeing his wife's stunned look, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Are you surprised to see me?"

  "No, I guess you are about to leave seclusion." After saying that, Murong Jin stood up excitedly and took the initiative to hug his lover.

  "Alas, I'm three months later than you." My daughter-in-law advanced to the late third level after two years of seclusion. As a result, he spent two years and three months in seclusion. As expected, his qualifications are still worse than his wife's!

  Hearing this, Murong Jin raised his head and looked at the other party helplessly. "Why compare this?"

  "I don't want to compare with you, I just want to say that your cultivation qualifications are very good, but you have never paid attention to it." After saying that, Shen Xuyao lowered his head and kissed his beloved on the forehead.

Murong Jin was a little embarrassed to be praised by his lover. "Come over and eat, I just cooked." As he said, Murong Jin pulled him to the dining table and sat down.

  Looking at the light colors on the table, Shen Xuyao frowned. "Why don't you eat meat? Don't you have any spiritual stones?"

  "Yes, I still have 50,000 spirit stones, but there is no meat at home, so I plan to buy them tomorrow."

  Hearing what his lover said, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Okay, let's go buy meat together tomorrow."

  "Okay, you can have some food!" After saying that, Murong Jin immediately brought a bowl and chopsticks to his lover.

  "How has the situation been in the past two years? The Wu family and the Xiao family haven't come here, right?" Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao felt a little uneasy.

  Seeing his lover's worried look, Murong Jin smiled. "Don't worry, it's calm and no one is looking for you."

  "That's good!" Nodding, Shen Xuyao looked at the furnishings in the room. "Have we moved?"

  "Yes!" Murong Jin nodded helplessly and carefully explained the matter to his partner.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao couldn't help but frown. "You are right to move away. Such a greedy person, if you continue to stay in Wangjiazhuang, we will not have peace in the future."

  "It's my fault. I didn't listen to you. As a result, I was robbed and made things difficult for the landlord." Speaking of this matter, Murong Jin felt a little guilty. He felt that if he had done what Xu Yao said, maybe everything would be fine. will happen.

  Looking at his lover with a guilty look on his face, Shen Xuyao reached out and took his lover's hand. "It's okay, you will learn a lot from a pitfall. If you suffer a loss, you will not be disobedient in the future. However, if you have a choice, I still don't want you to suffer a loss, and I don't want you to grow up in this way."

  "Xu Yao..."

  "Let's stay for a few more days, take a break, and let's go practice! Don't stay in one place for too long, so as not to be in danger. People from the Xiao family and the Wu family will find you." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao said what he said plan.

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