chapter 33 mutual confession

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Chapter 33 Confession to each other

  As Shen Xuyao expected, it was very difficult to advance to the second level. Even though Shen Xuyao had spiritual jade, spiritual water, soul stones, Tianyuan Fruit and a lot of potions in his hands, it still took him a whole year. time before he was successfully promoted to the second level. However, in Murong Jin's eyes, the speed of promotion was already very fast. Because Murong Jin's strength has only improved a small level this year. Promoted to the late stage of the second level.

  After being promoted, I found that I was still two small realms behind Murong Jin. Shen Xuyao was a little depressed. I thought: I have used so many spiritual treasures and potions, but I still can't catch up with Murong Jin. Sure enough, the villain's training speed is still very fast.

  After being promoted to the second level, Shen Xuyao began to think about Beishan's opportunities. Among the three mountains, Beishan is the most dangerous, but the opportunities in Beishan are also the most incredible. The male protagonist and the female protagonist were both promoted to the third level because they got the opportunity from Beishan. He was promoted to the third level before he was twenty years old. At that time, it caused quite a sensation in the Soul Pet Master Continent?

  Therefore, the male protagonist and the female protagonist are called the youngest and most promising soul pet masters with the best training qualifications by the soul pet masters in the soul pet master continent. Thinking about this, Shen Xuyao felt sour. The heroine's so-called talent is to kill people and seize treasures. And the so-called talent of the male protagonist is probably not much better. Because, this novel has three wrong views. Therefore, both male and female protagonists can be called heroes. However, they are not heroes, they are not upright people, they are the kind of people who will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

  Now, with Dongshan's thirty soul stones and Xishan's Tianyuan fruit in hand, there are only five cards from Beishan. Those five cards belong to the Card Master Continent, and each card is sealed with a great opportunity, which must be obtained.

  Shen Xuyao was thinking about chance when there was a knock on the door.

  Hearing the knock on the door, Shen Xuyao froze. I thought: It's so late, what does Murong want to do with me? Could something be wrong? Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao's expression changed. Immediately got up and opened the door.

  As soon as the door opened, Shen Xuyao saw Murong Jin standing outside the door, wearing a plain white brocade robe, with light makeup on his face, he could clearly feel that his eyebrows were thicker, and his lips were three points redder. Moreover, the cheeks seem to have rubbed blush.

  In the mainland of soul pet masters, there are many couples who have a habit of putting on makeup, and they often show off their beauty, as if they were women. However, Murong Jin is not such a person. In the twenty months since Shen Xuyao knew each other, this is the first time Shen Xuyao has seen him put on makeup. Dressing up so meticulously, knocking on a man's door in the middle of the night, this...

  "What's wrong?" Shen Xuyao calmed down and asked in a low voice.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin glanced at the other party. He lowered his head uncomfortably. "I, I have something to tell you."

  "Okay, come in and talk!" With that said, Shen Xuyao let the person into the room. He closed the door casually.

  Sitting on the chair, Murong Jin kept looking at Shen Xuyao who was sitting opposite.

  "It's so late, what can I do for you?"

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's question, Murong Jin bit his lip uncomfortably. "Yeah, it's nothing, just, I just thought of some coming-of-age gift for you."

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