Chapter 60 Fierce Battle

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Chapter 60 Fierce Battle

  What Murong Jin used was a second-class poisonous smoke, and it was a highly poisonous one. However, those eleven people all wore masks with anti-virus formations on them, so they were not afraid of his poison at all. This made him very depressed.

  Looking at Murong Jin standing opposite, the old man had a look of contempt on his face. "Master Murong, don't waste your efforts. We are here prepared, your poison will not work on us. You should just go back with us!"

  "Old guy, did I give you face?" As she said that, her crystal ball appeared above Kane's head. The crystal ball turned into a magic wand and fell into Kane's hand.

  Hearing this, the old man looked at Kane. "My fellow magician, I hope you will not interfere in the affairs of the Wang family."

  "Hmph, I just want to intervene, what can you do to me?"

  Hearing Kane's words, the old man's expression changed. "In that case, let me learn your clever trick!" As he said that, the old man released his soul pet.

  The old man is a martial artist, and his soul pet is a martial soul pet. It is a palm-sized leopard. As soon as the leopard was released, it flew to the ground, and its body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. , it grew to the height of a person and more than three meters long.

  Looking at the leopard next to the old man, Kane sneered. Without fear at all, he waved the magic wand in his hand, and pink petals flew out from the magic wand. The petals also turned into a leopard, which was exactly the same as the old man's leopard and the same size.

  Taking the lead to attack, the old man's leopard arched its body and rushed out like a sharp sword, very fast. Kane's leopard was not afraid and faced the old man's leopard. The two leopards rushed together and started biting each other, wrestling together.

  Here, the old man fought with Kane, and the ten people on the side also approached Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao.

  Narrowing his eyes and looking at the ten second-level soul pet masters approaching, Shen Xuyao raised his hand and threw twelve animal bones, directly trapping the six soul pet masters.

  "Ah, what?"

  "what happened?"

  Before the six soul pet masters could react, streaks of sword energy attacked the six of them, catching them off guard. Realizing the danger, they immediately took out their magic weapons to resist.

  The remaining four people looked at Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao. "Master Murong, my third master is worried that you are in danger outside, so he asked us to take you back. He is so good to you, but you actually treat us like this. Isn't this too much?"

  "Hmph, you don't need to interfere with the matter between me and him." At this point, Murong Jin snorted coldly.

  "Keep saying it's for the good of my partner. Is it good for him to be imprisoned in a cage and restrict his personal freedom? It's a joke." As he said that, Shen Xuyao showed off his purple thunder gun and pointed at a The guards attacked.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao take action, Murong Jin also took action immediately. He showed his sword and stopped a guard. Although it was four pairs of two, both Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao had beast pets. Murong Jin released his Xiao Hei, and Shen Xuyao also released his Shadow Wind Wolf. Therefore, the situation of two versus four became four versus four.

  The Wind Shadow Wolf has reached adulthood, so its current strength is at the early stage of level three. The second-level guard was eliminated by it in two or three blows.

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