Chapter 187 Xu Hong Visits

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Chapter 187 Xu Hong Visits

  Seeing someone coming, Murong Jin immediately became alert, stepped to Shen Xuyao's side, and stood behind his lover.

  The person who came was none other than Xu Hong and the guards of the Xu family. Xu Hong and the other three guards were all at level four. However, there was an old man with white hair, but Murong Jin couldn't tell his strength. He thought to himself: This person should be a level five soul pet master, probably Xu. Hong's protector, the eldest young master of a big family is surrounded by such powerful masters to protect him.

  "I said Young Master Xu, can we have fun? I have been in the Moon Shadow Mountains for half a year, and I finally met a fourth-level monster that suits my heart and is weaker than mine. Haven't you enjoyed it yet? You Just kill me. Isn't this too disappointing for you?" Walking in front of Xu Hong, Shen Xuyao still used his usual teasing tone, complaining that the other party killed his prey without any pressure.

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's complaint, Xu Hong smiled helplessly. "You guys, you don't appreciate me helping you kill monsters?"

  "It's not a matter of killing monsters. Isn't it to temper myself by beating them?" He didn't need the other party's help.

  "All right, all right, it's my fault. Let's go, go to your cave and tell me." Nodding, Xu Hong admitted his mistake in a good-tempered manner.

  "Okay!" Walking over, Shen Xuyao put away the iron-hoofed ox's body, and couldn't help but glance at a white-haired old man standing behind Xu Hong. Xin said: The old guy should be level 5, otherwise, it would be impossible to kill a level 4 iron-hoofed ox with one palm. Is this helping me kill monsters? Or are you trying to make an example of others and deliberately threaten me?

  After collecting the prey, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin took the five of them back to their cave.

  Sitting on the chair, Xu Hong drank the tea made by Murong Jin, while looking at Shen Xuyao and his wife. At the moment, the husband and wife were dressed very plainly, and both of them were wearing level 4 masks on their faces. The camouflage was very good. If it wasn't for the fact that he had known the two for a long time and was familiar with their backs, Xu Hong might not have recognized them.

"I said young master, didn't I tell you to wait for me at the foot of the mountain after I told you to come? Why did you come up?"

  "Oh, let me come up and have a look, hunt a monster to eat!" Smiling, Xu Hong said indifferently.

  "My ancestor, you said that if you were injured by any evil beast without eyes, the town leader wouldn't be able to fight against me?" At this point, Shen Xuyao looked helpless.

  Hearing this, Xu Hong smiled. "No, I'm not that weak. Besides, Uncle Wang will protect me. It's not a big problem. But you, you are only in the middle of the fourth level. It's too dangerous to go to a place like the Moon Shadow Mountains. Why don't you go to the small The Monster Beast Mountain?"

  "Oh, there are no level 4 monsters in the small Monster Mountain, right? I asked before I came here. Although there are level 5 monsters in Yueying Mountain this month, the level 5 monsters are all on the 5th and 6th. And Mountain No. 7. As long as I don't go to these three mountains, I won't encounter level five monsters, so it shouldn't be too dangerous." With the help of the original work, Shen Xuyao naturally knows where the danger is and where not to go.

  "Yes, the fifth-level monsters are all on the three mountains in the middle. Those three mountains belong to the inner circle. However, the four mountains of No. 3, No. 4, No. 8 and No. 9 belong to the territory of the fourth-level monsters. , is also very dangerous. Don’t go to these four mountains. Just stay here. There are level 4 and level 3 monsters on Mountain No. 10. Moreover, the strength of level 4 monsters is not too high. This mountain is still more suitable. Yours." After thinking for a while, Xu Hong expressed his opinion.

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