chapter 21 robbery

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Chapter 21

  Shen Xuyao's family did not let go of the three jade shops, each bought 50 to 60 Lingyu, and the three together bought 203 Lingyu, and the Murong Jin they bought stared straight at them.

  After buying the Lingyu, the two rode home just now. On the way home, both of them were very quiet, and neither of them spoke.

  Suddenly, Murong Jin felt a bad wind. "Be careful!" With an exclamation, he grabbed Shen Xuyao's shoulders and jumped off the horse with the others.

  The bay red horse suddenly neighed and fell to the ground with a bang. Blood spattered from the horse's neck. The horse that fell to the ground soon lost its breath.

  Glancing at the tragic death of the bay red horse, Shen Xuyao immediately became alert. Murong Jin also looked around coldly.

  Three big men rushed out from the woods, blocking their way. "You two brats, hand over the spirit jade you bought."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao understood. This is because he saw them buying Lingyu in the shops in the city, so he followed them out of the city to rob them!

  "Hmph, it's a good idea to rob us." As he said, Murong Jin released his soul pet.

  Xiaolan hovered above Murong Jin's head, petals on the buds bloomed, and wisps of blue poisonous mist sprayed out. It spread quickly and flew towards the three of them.

  Seeing Xiaolan and the poisonous mist released by Xiaolan, the three of them turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away. "Ah, it's a poison refiner, let's go!"

  Standing on the same spot, Murong Jin looked coldly at the three people who were running away, and at the three people who were knocked down within five steps, Murong Jin sneered, walked over immediately, and pulled out the interspatial rings of the three people . He took out a bottle of poison powder for destroying corpses and sprinkled it on the bodies of the three people. The bodies of the three people quickly turned into pools of blood, and even their clothes and trousers were melted.

  "Brother Xuyao, are you okay? Have you been poisoned?" As she said that, Xiaolan immediately flew over, circled around Shen Xuyao several times, and sucked away all the poisonous gas around Shen Xuyao, fearing that she would be poisoned.

  "I'm fine, thank you for your hard work, Xiaolan." After speaking, Shen Xuyao raised his hand to hold Xiaolan. In fact, when Xiaolan made a move, the poisonous gas was well controlled, and they all flew in the direction of those three people, and very little poisonous gas flew to Shen Xuyao's side. It was also sucked up by it at the moment.

  "Xiao Lan, suck the poison off that horse, we can still eat the horse meat when we take it back!" Walking back, Murong Jin said so. It would be a pity to waste such a big horse.

  "Oh!" In response, Xiao Lan immediately went to deal with the horse's body.

  After Xiaolan finished handling the horse's body, Murong Jin put the body away before leaving with Shen Xuyao.

  "I'm sorry, I was careless." He shouldn't have been targeted for buying so many Lingyu at one time, but Shen Xuyao was anxious! His strength is so low, not to mention the heroine and the heroine's father, he can't even beat the four guards of the Jiang family, can he not be in a hurry?

  "It's not your fault, it's okay. Don't worry, I will protect you." Murong Jin didn't know why Xu Yao bought so many Lingyu at once, but no matter what Xu Yao did, he would support him , to protect each other.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at Murong Jin beside him. I just feel warm in my heart. At this time of being hunted down, it feels good to have someone silently by his side, willing to protect him.

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