Chapter 87 Desert Chess Game

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Chapter 87 Desert Chess Game

  two months later...

  Walking in the endless desert, Kane was very depressed. "There is only sand here, so there is probably no chance. How did we get here?"

  Glancing at Kane, Murong Jin was also helpless. "Let's look for it and see if we can find an opportunity. If we can't find it, we'll go to the next place."

  Before Xu Yao retreated, he told him that the vitality of all things is in the east, and asked him to go all the way east to find opportunities and protect himself. Therefore, Murong Jin and Kane have been heading east for the past few months.

  "Okay!" Nodding his head, Kane could only agree. However, she was thinking in her heart, what opportunities could there be in such a barren desert! It's a no-brainer at first glance. However, the secret realm has been opened for six years, and there are really not many places where there is a chance.

  Murong Jin and Kane trekked in the desert for a month and did not find any good opportunities. However, they found that there were many soul pet masters coming to this desert, including soul pet masters from big families and civilian soul pet masters.

  "Murong, did you hear that many people are talking about the maze?"

  Hearing Kane's question, Murong Jin nodded. "I heard, from what those people said, this labyrinth should be in this desert. Moreover, it should be underground."

  "It seems that I underestimated this place. I didn't expect that this place really has opportunities! Sure enough, sometimes you can't just look at the appearance!" At this point, Kane sighed repeatedly.

  Before, she and Xu Yao had been to three forests. The amethyst fruit forest is the kind of place where there must be something good at first glance. As a result, they only found an immature amethyst fruit tree. The jungle is also a place with many monsters and medicinal materials, but in fact, there are no valuable spirit treasures, and it is no different from an ordinary monster mountain. Instead, it was the most unremarkable ginkgo forest, which led them to find the medicine garden, where they found many hundred-year-old medicinal materials and delicious crystal pears.

  It's the same now. Before, Kane and Murong Jin went to several places where they thought there were Lingbao but found nothing. On the contrary, the seemingly ordinary desert in front of him has become a place where spirit treasures may appear.

  "Most of the mazes are arranged by mechanics or chess masters. I'm afraid they won't be easy to break into!" Thinking of this, Murong Jin couldn't help but frown.

  "What are you afraid of? You are at the beginning of the third level, and I am at the end of the third level. Both of us are at the third level. Besides, you are a poison refiner? Ordinary third-level soul pet masters and third-level monsters, like this Not your opponent, besides, don't you still have a family background?"

  Kane has stayed in Lingshi Mountain for five years, and his strength has improved to a small level, and his strength has reached the late third level. And the family fortune he mentioned refers to the soul ring left by Shen Xuyao to Murong Jin. Murong Jin has ten soul rings. He used two to deal with Xuanyuan and his son before, but now he still has eight. This family fortune is not small! Even if he encounters an early level four monster or a soul pet master, Murong can handle it with ease.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin thought for a while. "Yes, both of us are level three, plus Xiaofeng, we have three level three here, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

  Kane is at the late stage of the third level, Xiaofeng is at the middle stage of the third level, and Murong Jin is at the early stage of the third level. Murong Jin feels that the three of them together will not be difficult for them in ordinary difficulties. There are eight soul rings and a lot of teleportation animal bones! If you can't beat me, you can run away!

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