Chapter 97 Dating

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Chapter 97 Dating

  Seeing the two go, the three brothers look at me and I look at you. Discussed immediately.

  "Fourth brother, do you think this can be done?" Mu Wuye has an impatient temper, so he was the first to ask.

  "Fourth brother, I don't think that kid is very reliable! He's only twenty-seven years old, can he make things happen?" Sixth Master Mu is a thoughtful person, so he is still somewhat hesitant about this matter. Can't make up my mind.

  After looking at his two younger brothers, Fourth Master Mu sighed. "The mainland of soul pet masters is a low-level continent. It is very difficult for monks from our low-level continents to go to the middle and high continents. Many fourth-level soul pet masters who are about to die will go to the endless sea together, hoping to cross In the endless sea area, we have found a way to the Middle Continent, but in the past few years, no one has succeeded. In fact, whether the formation can be activated and whether we can go to the Middle Continent is a gamble. The question now is whether we dare to bet or not. As for whether you can win the bet, that’s a matter for later.”

  Hearing what his brother said, Lao Liu nodded. "Fourth brother is right, there is an opportunity in front of us, it depends on whether we dare or not!" It does take some courage to do big things.

  After looking at his two brothers, Mu Wuye touched his chin. "Why don't we take a gamble?"

  Glancing at Fifth Brother Mu, Fourth Master Mu nodded. "If it's a bet, there are three places, one for each of our families."

  "Three quotas are too few." Thinking of this, Fifth Master Mu couldn't help complaining.

  Looking at his younger brother, Fourth Master Mu smiled bitterly. "It's quite a lot. It's very good that Jiang Yuan can find us. As far as I know, Murong Jin also has a female magician named Meris Kane. These two people are very close to the members of the Meris family. I heard that Well, that female magician named Kane is good friends with Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin, and they have a good relationship. Moreover, I also heard that this female magician is the daughter-in-law of the Meris family, Mr. Merris. Kane and Darius’ son Josie are an unmarried couple.”

  Hearing this, Master Mu Liu nodded. "Fourth brother is right. I heard from other soul pet masters that as early as three years ago, Murong Jin and Kane took refuge in the Meris family. Together with the Meris family, they got five An ancient magic weapon. After that, they have been traveling together. The relationship is very good."

  After looking at his fourth brother and then his sixth brother, Mu Wuye was a little confused. "Since they are so good with the Melis family, then what do they want from us? Why don't they give all the places to the Melis family?"

"You don't understand this, right? This kid Jiang Yuan is using our Mu family to control the Meilis family. This is because he is afraid that the Meilis family will rebel and deal with them. This kid Jiang Yuan Ah, you are so smart!" At this point, Fourth Master Mu couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

  "Fourth brother is right. To put it bluntly, our Mu family is a third-party force, used to check and balance the Melis family. In this way, with more forces participating, it will be impossible for the Melis family to monopolize ten places. ." Nodding, Mu Liuye naturally saw Shen Xuyao's thoughts.

  "Hey, Jiang Yuan, that brat, has quite a lot of tricks up his sleeve. However, I still think the three places are too few." At this point, Mu Wuye lamented.

  "Looking at what Jiang Yuan means, it's impossible to give us more places. If you want, you can ask him for a few copies of the fourth-level pharmacy inheritance." Speaking of this, Master Mu Liu touched his chin.

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