Chapter 14 Decided to Stay

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Chapter 14 Decided to Stay

  Shen Xuyao put away his soul pet Xiaoyan, and Murong Jin also put away his soul pet Xiao Lanhua. The two raised their heads and looked at each other, exchanging an awkward look.

  "The intelligence of a soul pet is like that of a five or six-year-old child, it's nothing to play around with, you don't have to take it to heart."

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's comfort, Murong Jin felt even more embarrassed. "Don't listen to Xiaolan's nonsense, I owe you money, I will find a way to pay you back as soon as possible."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at the villain sitting across from him. At this moment, the villain is fourteen years old, which should be the period when he is gradually becoming black. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the villain leaves his home, after he goes out, he will definitely not meet a good person. Every time I meet a vicious person, every time I meet a pervert, a beast, and even a few times, I am almost raped by someone. Anyone who has experienced these unbearable encounters will probably be blackened. right!

  "Actually, I do need a guard. As you can see, I wear a mask all the time. I am obviously a soul pet master, but I dress myself up as a farmer. The reason why I do this is actually to avoid my enemies. .My enemy is very powerful, but my current strength is not high, I don't know if I can avoid it, if I can't, I'm afraid, I will die." At this point, Shen Xuyao sighed.

  To be honest, since he came here through the book, he has been tense every day, worried every day, worried about being found by the heroine, worried about being murdered and seized by others. I feel uneasy every day.

  Hearing these words, Murong Jin was startled. "Is your enemy a big family?"

  "Yes!" Nodding, Shen Xuyao admitted without hesitation.

  "Then, let me stay and protect you for a while! Although my strength is not high, but I am a second-level poison refiner, and I can use poison to deal with twenty or thirty first-level and second-level souls." Petting the teacher is not a problem." After thinking for a while, Murong Jin decided to stay and protect his savior.

  Looking at Murong Jin who spoke very seriously, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Thanks!"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin shook his head again and again. "No, I should say thank you. Thank you for saving me."

  Looking at Murong Jin who thanked again, Shen Xuyao smiled helplessly. "Okay, let's stop thanking each other and let's eat! The food is cold."

"Okay!" Picking up the bowl and chopsticks again, Murong Jin lowered his head and started eating.

  "Don't just eat rice, you should eat more meat. This is monster meat, which has a strong aura. There is also this vegetable, which is a spiritual vegetable. You should also eat more. Ten medicines and nine poisons, more or less medicines There will always be some deposited toxins, but there are no toxins in the food. If you eat a little more, it will be regarded as food supplements, and food supplements are better for your body than medicine." While talking, Shen Xuyao gave the pair some vegetables.

  Looking at the pile of vegetables in the bowl, Murong Jin raised his eyes to look at Shen Xuyao who was sitting opposite, and nodded slightly. I just feel warm in my heart. Since his parents passed away, no one will take care of him. Who cares if he is in good health? Who cares if he deposits toxins? Who cares if he has a good meal?

  Unexpectedly, I met such a person today!

  After lunch, Shen Xuyao cleaned up the West Room. This house was originally an east-west room, but Shen Xuyao only had one person. Therefore, after he bought the house, he only packed up the East Room to live in. Now, there are more people in the family. There was only one person, so Shen Xuyao had no choice but to pack up the West House and give it to Murong Jin to live in.

  Walking into the room, Murong Jin was very satisfied when he saw all the furniture in the room and the quilts on the bed were new. Lian Lian thanked Shen Xuyao.

  "The furniture in this room was brought when I bought the house. They are all old, but they are probably new. If you don't like it, I will buy you new furniture when I go to town next time. Quilts and The mattresses are all new, and besides, if you need anything else, tell me. I will buy it for you next time."

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's question, Murong Jin shook his head hastily. "No, it's good, really, nothing is missing."

  "Okay then, you rest for a while, I'll make dinner." Looking at the other party again, Shen Xuyao turned and left.

  Looking at the opponent's back, Murong Jin watched for a long time until the opponent's figure disappeared.

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