Chapter 40 Anle Town

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Chapter 40 Anle Town

  After leaving Beishan, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin and the two of them on horseback and headed straight for Ping'an Town.

  Seeing that his lover was on the way to the town, Murong Jin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "Aren't we going home?"

  Hearing the other party's question, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. "I can't go back." The hostess will not let it go easily, so the family in Peach Blossom Village can no longer go back.

  "Who were those people just now?" Murong Jin knew that if Xu Yao didn't go home, he must be afraid of being found by the four people just now.

  "Two second-level soul pet masters, one is my cousin Lin Shanshan, and the other is her husband Xuanyuan Zhan. The first-level soul pet masters are Xuanyuan Zhan's younger brother and sister. One is Xuanyuan Meng and the other is Xuanyuan Zhen." These words , Shen Xuyao used the sound transmission.

  "Are you afraid of your cousin?" Murong Jin also used the voice transmission.

  "She has something to do with my mother's death. She wants to find me so much in order to kill me and seize the treasure. She is the one who wants me dead the most."

  Upon receiving such an answer, Murong Jin's complexion couldn't help but change. "Why didn't you say earlier that we could kill her."

  "No, don't touch her for the time being, it's not the time yet." The hero and heroine are lucky, and it's not so easy to kill.

  "But she is so vicious, if you don't kill her, she will continue to stare at you."

  "Let's leave here for the time being, and hide for a while, and wait until my strength improves."

  Hearing what his lover said, Murong Jin nodded. "Oh well!"

  "Murong, you did a great job just now, thank you!" Shen Xuyao whispered his thanks close to his lover's ear.

  Feeling the man's approach, Murong Jin blushed uncomfortably. "You taught me!" In fact, every word Murong Jin said just now was taught by Shen Xuyao through voice transmission.

  "You're very smart, you can learn it as soon as you learn it." Shen Xuyao didn't expect Murong Jin to act so well.

  After being praised by his lover, Murong Jin smiled from ear to ear.

  "There is a reward. When we arrive in town, we will sell this horse. Buy a second-level flying mount. When the time comes, you come to contract."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin somewhat disagreed. "No, I already have Xiao Hei, so you should make a contract!"

"My strength is low, so I may not be able to control the monsters of the second level. You are at the late stage of the second level, and you are more comfortable controlling monsters. And, as I said, this is a reward for you. Ma'am!"

  Hearing the soft "Madam" in his ears and eyes, Murong Jin felt that half of his body was numb. "Okay, okay."

  When he arrived in the town, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin directly to the Monster Beast Market in the north of the city, sold the horse, and directly bought a second-level blue bird in the middle stage, and let Murong Jin contract it.

  After buying the mount, Shen Xuyao didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he left Ping'an Town with Murong Jin.

  The two rode a second-level flying mount for five days, and arrived at Anle Town, east of Ping'an Town. When they arrived in the town, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin to the clothes shop and changed their appearance. The two of them bought several sets of clothes, all of which were exquisite Chinese clothes. After buying the clothes, the two rented a small courtyard house on the west side of the town and settled down.

  "You look handsome in this dress!" Sitting beside Shen Xuyao, looking at his lover in purple robe, Murong Jin said shyly.

  Received the appreciation of his lover, Shen Xuyao smiled. From his space ring, he took out the grilled chicken and snacks he bought along the way, as well as some spiritual fruits. "It's noon, eat something to fill your stomach first. Let's cook something delicious in the evening."

  "En!" Nodding, Murong Jin reached out and took a fruit.

  After removing a chicken leg, Shen Xuyao stuffed the chicken leg into his hand. "Eat some meat, don't just eat fruit."

  Looking at the chicken leg in his hand, Murong Jin pursed his lips and smiled, his face was full of happiness.

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