Chapter 74 Duobao Tree

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Chapter 74 Duobao Tree

  Seeing the person leaving, Shen Xuyao rolled his eyes and said nothing more. He lowered his head and continued to eat the grilled fish in his hand.

  Turning his head and looking at Shen Xuyao eating grilled fish, Kane couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Look, it's all your fault that I was despised by a second-level soul pet master." At this point, Kane was very depressed.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "You are not a spiritual jade, nor a silver. How is it possible that everyone likes you?"

  Kane rolled his eyes when he heard this. He said in his heart: This is so realistic. However, it makes sense. She is not a spiritual stone, how can she be loved by everyone?

  "It doesn't matter if you are disliked. Do you want to compete with a group of people tonight for a chance? We don't need others to join in. We just need to keep silent and make a fortune."

  Kane was stunned when he heard Shen Xuyao's voice transmission. "So, you have been slacking off in the past half month just to get rid of those people and walk behind everyone?"

  "Otherwise? Do you think I'm really that lazy? Is this the first day you met me?"

  After receiving such an answer, Kane understood. "You kid, you have so many colorful intestines!"

  "Thank you. Let's eat. Eat enough and sleep enough. I'll take you to find opportunities tonight."

  "Understood." Said, Kane lowered his head and ate the fish in his hand. Xin said: Shen Xuyao's eyes are rolling all over the place, his head is full of ghost ideas. I don't know what good opportunity I found, so cautious.


  At night, Shen Xuyao and Kane put away their tents and formations. Shen Xuyao took Kane to the treasure tree.

  "Is there any treasure here?" Kane lowered his voice and asked.

  "Don't talk, you'll know in a while." With that said, Shen Xuyao took out his own card.

  At this moment, the portraits of the six members of the Xuanyuan family appeared on the front that should have been black. Shen Xuyao recited a spell, and the six people who were standing in the card turned into six corpses in the blink of an eye, and all six people's heads were chopped off.

  Shen Xuyao chanted another spell, and the headless corpses of six people all appeared under the treasure tree. Shen Xuyao bent down and took away the space rings of the six people. Then, he chanted a spell to the card, and the six heads in the card turned into nothingness, and the card turned black again.

  Witnessing the process of Shen Xuyao killing people with cards, Kane couldn't help but burst into tongues. My heart said: It’s so convenient to kill people with cards! One spell and it's done.

  "Stand back for a while." With that said, Shen Xuyao stepped back ten steps.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao retreating, Kane also retreated ten steps. Standing next to Shen Xuyao.

  The two waited for a stick of incense, and then saw the roots of the multi-treasure tree protruding from the ground. Then impaled the headless corpses. The flesh and blood of those corpses were quickly sucked dry, and even the bones and clothes were finally refined by those tree roots.

  After swallowing six corpses, Kane looked at the Duobao tree, whose leaves turned redder and streaks of red light bloomed on the trunk. Kane felt a little creepy and thought to himself: This guy actually eats people. It's quite scary!

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