Chapter 172 Liu Yun

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Chapter 172 Liu Yun

  A few days later,

  Looking at his wife in his arms, Shen Xuyao smiled and kissed her forehead. "Why didn't you call me when you woke up?"

Hearing this, Murong Jin smiled. "I want you to sleep a little longer."

  "So virtuous, how should I reward you?" With that said, Shen Xuyao moved closer.

  "Please make me breakfast! I haven't eaten your food for a long time." Covering the other person's lips, Murong Jin made the request with a smile.

  Helplessly kissing his wife's palm, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Okay, I'll take care of you tonight!"

  "You, you were thinking about that as soon as you got out of seclusion." At this point, Murong Jin's face turned red.

  "Food, sex, and sex, our ancestors said." After saying that, Shen Xuyao kissed his wife's cheek again. Climbed out of bed.

  Seeing the man getting dressed and about to cook, Murong Jin hurriedly grabbed him. "You haven't disguised yourself yet!" In fact, Murong Jin preferred to see his lover's true appearance, but there was no way, this true appearance was too dangerous.

  "Don't you like seeing me look like now?"

  Murong Jin couldn't help but frown when he heard his lover's question. "Of course I like to see you now, but it's not safe!"

  "Okay, I'll change my face in a while." With that said, Shen Xuyao walked away.

  Getting up, Murong Jin got dressed and left the room.

  The husband and wife made breakfast together, and when they were eating together, Shen Xuyao had already transformed into the well-known Jiang Yuan of the Xu family, and turned into a miraculous doctor.

  "How have you been these past few years? How are you?"

  Hearing her lover's question, Murong Jin smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine. My strength has stabilized. Xiaofeng has advanced to the middle stage of the fourth level, and Little Golden Snake has also advanced to the fourth level. I let it advance in the cave. No one else knows. Everything at home is fine. , even those potions and spiritual stones you gave me are gone."

  "It doesn't matter. The spirit stone is gone. We can just earn it again. Strength is the foundation for a life."

  "Yeah!" Murong Jin nodded and agreed.

  "Accompany me for a few more days, and you will retreat next month too!" After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao said.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin frowned, and took his lover's hand. Some are reluctant to leave their lover. "You have just advanced to the fourth level, and we have almost used up all the spirit stones in our hands. Otherwise, I will wait a little longer!"

  "No need to wait, I have prepared the fourth-level potions for you to assist in promotion. I also have 20 million spiritual stones here. I will give you 10 million. In addition, I will give you two bottles of Moonlight Fairy Dew and a box of The high-grade spirit stones, these should be almost there, right?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin frowned. "But, aren't the middle-grade spirit stones and Moonlight Fairy Dew reserved for Xiaoyan and Xiaolan to advance to level five?"

  Looking at his lover who was so serious in asking, Shen Xuyao smiled. "If you don't advance to the fourth level, how can you advance to the fifth level?"


  "Remember, it is safest to turn the spiritual treasure into strength. No one can take it away!"

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