Chapter 152 Refuse to take orders

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Chapter 152

  A few days later, in Shen Xuyao's yard.

  Looking at Xu Hong, Mrs. Ling and Ling Yuan who came to visit for the second time, Shen Xuyao frowned. He looked at Xu Hong with some dissatisfaction. "I said Young Master Xu, didn't you say that you have a big business to talk to me about? Why are they again?"

Standing in the yard, Xu Hong smiled helplessly when he saw the expressions of lack of interest on his aunt and cousin's face as soon as the formation was opened. "Don't you always only recognize spiritual stones and not people? Who else is different? Just have spiritual stones."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at the mother and son. "Mrs. Ling, seven days have passed since the last time I saw Young Master Ling. In these seven days, you should have invited all three other pharmacists in the town lord's mansion except me, right?"

  Hearing the other party's inquiry, Mrs. Ling's face was extremely ugly. Originally, she didn't want to come here again, but her nephew said that only Jiang Yuan could refine this potion, so she had to visit the door for the second time for the sake of her son, but unexpectedly, she was asked this question just after entering the other party's yard This made Mrs. Ling very embarrassed.

  "Pharmacist Jiang, my cousin said that among the four pharmacists, you have the highest success rate in refining unpopular potions. So, I am begging you again, regardless of your past grievances, and please help me make the potion!" "Ling Yuan lowered his head and said politely.

  "Master Ling, you said so. Logically speaking, I shouldn't refuse this business. However, you have to understand that you and your mother and son are just guests of the Xu family. You cannot stay in the Xu family forever. And I I am the pharmacist of the Xu family. I will stay here forever. If you are the first to ask me to make medicines, there is no problem. I will definitely take the order. But, you have already found the other three people. They are all my seniors. If it is a potion that the three of them cannot refine, I can refine it. Then what do you think, how will I get along in the Xu family in the future? All three of them are older than me, and they are all older than me. I am strong, so they put on small shoes for me, and sue me in front of the town lord if there is anything to do. Can I still stay in the town lord's mansion?"


  Looking at Shen Xuyao, who was eloquent and eloquent, Ling Yuan opened his mouth and was speechless.

  "Jiang Yuan, what do you mean?" Mrs. Ling asked coldly with her eyes widened.

  Facing the woman's angry eyes, Shen Xuyao was not afraid at all. "It's not interesting, I don't have much talent and learning, I can't take your order."

  "You, you dare not take the order, you wait for me, I will go to my brother-in-law to sue you, make you unable to stay in Xu's house, and let you pack up and leave." Pointing at Jiang Yuan , Mrs. Ling was so angry that she was shaking all over.

  "Whatever, if you want this ability, then you go. The Xu family doesn't want me, and there will be a second or third big family willing to want me. I'm a third-level pharmacist anyway. I starve to death." Shrugging, Jiang Yuan said indifferently.

  "you you……"

  Too lazy to look at the epileptic woman, Shen Xuyao looked at Xu Hong. "Young Master Xu, my wife is about to be promoted. I have stopped seeing doctors recently. Please don't bring others to my yard. It's too noisy. My wife is not happy if I look back tonight. I will stay at the same place tonight." All gone."

  Hearing this, Xu Hong twitched the corners of his mouth. "Okay, I see."

  "Then don't be stunned. Take this Madam Ling and this Young Master Ling and go to the town leader to file a complaint!"

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