Chapter 181 The New Pharmacist

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Chapter 181 The New Pharmacist

A few days later, there was a banquet at the town lord’s mansion.

  Shen Xuyao took his partner Murong Jin and his wife to the banquet together. Seeing Mu Chengzhu and Mu Liuye sitting aside, Shen Xuyao couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Before, Xu Hong told him that two fourth-level pharmacists came to the house. It's a male pharmacist. Let them come to the banquet to get acquainted, but I didn't expect it to be this father and son.

  Mu Liuye came with them back then. He has been in Card Master Continent for more than 40 years. When the other party came, he was at the peak of level three. Now he has advanced to level four and is already at the beginning of level four. . City Lord Mu is at the late fourth level, but his strength seems to have improved a lot. It should be about to reach the pinnacle of the fourth level. Sure enough, being a pharmacist is the best profession. You don’t have to worry about employment problems no matter where you go!

  However, this wooden city lord should have come with the male protagonist and the female protagonist. Based on this calculation, this Wood City Lord is the eighth known person. There are two other people who presumably are fourth-level city lords.

  "Two pharmacists, let me introduce to you. This is pharmacist Jiang Yuan, and this is Mrs. Jiang. Doctor Jiang, these two pharmacists are new to the Xu family. Their relationship is that of father and son." After smiling, Xu Hong immediately introduced the four of them.

  "Oh, it turned out to be two fellow Taoists, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Shen Xuyao greeted immediately with a smile.

  "Congratulations to Jiang Yaoshi for advancing to the fourth stage!" Smiling, Mu Chengzhu said so.

  "Yeah, I have heard the name of Miracle Doctor Jiang for a long time, and I am so lucky to meet Miracle Jiang today as I wish!" Smiling, Master Mu Liu also said the same.

  "From now on, we are all colleagues, so you two fellow Taoists don't have to be polite." When they were in the Soul Pet Master Continent, Shen Xuyao was the junior of the two of them, and his seniority was much lower than the two of them. Unexpectedly, they were now on equal terms with each other.

  "Yes, yes!" The two nodded in agreement.

  "Today is a good day. Let's raise a glass together to celebrate Dr. Jiang's promotion to the mid-level fourth level." As he said this, Town Master Xu raised his glass.

  Seeing the town leader raising his glass, everyone else also raised their glasses and celebrated together.

  After drinking the wine in the cup, Wang Ping looked at Shen Xuyao. "Yaoshi Shen, you are now in seclusion and advancing to the fourth level, and in another moment you are in seclusion and you are advancing to the middle of the fourth level. Your strength is improving very quickly!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Senior Wang, you've received the award."

  "Actually, we are all pharmacists. I think that instead of wasting time on practicing, you should spend more time on pharmacy skills. What do you think?" The implication is that Shen Xuyao's pharmacy skills are low.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Senior Wang's words are very reasonable! In addition to improving my strength, I also read a lot of books on potions during my retreat this time. So, starting tomorrow, I plan to try to refine level four potions."

  After receiving such an answer, Wang Ping's expression changed. "Mr. Jiang is very confident in his medicine skills!"

  "Fortunately, I have always been very confident in my abilities." In fact, the way he improved his strength was to improve his potion skills. Now that he has advanced to the mid-level level four, refining level four potions is naturally a piece of cake.

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