Chapter 53 Getting the Teleportation Stone

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 Chapter 53 Getting the Teleportation Stone

  Sitting in Shen Xuyao's arms, Murong Jin stared blankly at the man's face for a long time. He said foolishly: "Xu Yao, you are the first and only person who will stand by my side wholeheartedly. Do you know? My so-called grandfather, he doesn't believe what I say at all. He thinks , I killed innocent people indiscriminately, it was my fault, everything was my fault. For this, he locked me in the dungeon for two years."

  Hearing these words, Shen Xuyao's heart became entangled. "Perhaps, it's not that he doesn't know the truth of the matter. It's just that you are a helpless orphan. The bastard who was poisoned to death by you has parents and grandma. Maybe his mother and grandma came from big families. Therefore, your grandfather knows that it is not your fault, so he will punish you too. Punish it to the living."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was startled. "Well, what you said makes sense. Although that bastard's grandma is a concubine and has no background, that bastard's mother is a concubine from a big family, so she still has some skills."

  "The big family has always been so dark." Speaking of this, Shen Xuyao looked contemptuous.

  Murong Jin agreed very much with this. "Hmph, there is no good thing in this mess."

  "What happened later? How did you leave Murong's house?"

  "Later, I was imprisoned for two years. When I was fourteen years old, my grandfather wanted to marry me to an old third-class pharmacist. When I found out about it, I poisoned the guards guarding me I just ran away from the Murong family, escaped from marriage and left. After I escaped, the Murong family sent guards to arrest me several times, but I killed them all. When you rescued me, the injuries on my body were caused by the Murong family. At that time, fifteen guards came from Murong's house, and although I poisoned them to death, I was also seriously injured and passed out in that forest." Having said that, Murong Jin sighed softly .

  "So that's how it is." Nodding his head, Shen Xuyao hugged the person in his arms tightly.

  "Xu Yao, in fact, I am very grateful to those guards now. If they hadn't chased me all the way and chased me to Ping'an Town, if they hadn't injured me, then I would never have met you, and I would never have met you. We are partners." At this point, Murong Jin smiled. This may be the only good thing his bastard grandpa has done for him.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao disapproved. "If we are married, we will meet sooner or later. Therefore, I am not grateful to them. Anyone who hurts you, I can only hate them, not appreciate them."


  Before Murong Jin finished speaking, suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

  "Boom, boom..."

  Listening to the violent thunder, Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao exchanged different looks.

  "Xu Yao, did you hear it? The thunder is so loud and strange?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao raised his eyebrows. "I also think it's a bit weird. Murong, let's go out and have a look!"

  "Okay!" Murong Jin stood up and jumped off her lover's lap.

  Standing up from the chair, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin's hand and the two walked out of the tent together.

  When the two walked out of the tent, they saw Kane coming out of another tent. "What happened? What happened in the middle of the night?" Kane yawned gracefully as he spoke.

  Turning his head, Shen Xuyao looked at Kane. "Stop sleeping, collect the tent and the animal bones outside. I heard something was wrong with the thunder just now. I'm afraid something is going to happen here."

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