Chapter 93 Revenge for Mother

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Chapter 93 Revenge for Mother

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's answer, Jiang He's face twisted with anger. "Jiang Yuan, you little beast, you risk your life."

  "This is exactly what I want to say to you, Jiang He, you despicable and shameless villain. You killed my mother. Today, I will make you pay with blood." With that, Shen Xuyao showed off his purple thunder gun. .

  Jiang He held a golden spear, and Shen Xuyao held a purple thunder spear. The two nephews and uncles shot each other one after another. On the side, Jiang He's soul pet White Tiger and Wind Shadow Wolf also began to bite and fight.

  Seeing the two nephews and uncles fighting together, Murong Jin's eyes fell on the male protagonist, and the male protagonist's eyes also fell on Murong Jin. Their eyes met, and Murong Jin looked at the other person's eyes. To the point of overwhelming hatred. And his eyes also agreed to be filled with the same hatred.

  This Xuanyuan Zhan was originally the son of his enemy. Today, the other party came to sabotage his partner's promotion, which was even more sinful. How could Murong Jin let this person go?

  "Murong Jin, you bastard, give back my father's life!" Thinking of his father who died tragically at the hands of the other party, the male protagonist's face was strangely twisted, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

Hearing this, Murong Jin sneered. "Xuanyuan Zhan, you coward who ran away from battle, do you have the nerve to say such a thing? If you hadn't thrown your father away, maybe he wouldn't have died."

  Murong Jin looked down upon the male protagonist very much. He felt that a person who could abandon his father at a critical moment of life and death was definitely not a good person. This kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death makes him very despised.

  Seeing Murong Jin's contemptuous look, the hero's expression became even more distorted, and he swung his sword and attacked Murong Jin. Two people, you strike with one sword, and I fight with one sword.

  On the side, Jinlong and Xiaolan of the male protagonist are also entangled together. Xiaolan entangled Jinlong with her roots, Jinlong was not to be outdone, and shook her head to bite Xiaolan. The two soul pets fought inextricably.

  Looking at the pale heroine, Kane smiled. "It seems that my opponent is you."

  Hearing this, the heroine's face turned even more ugly. She knew that the other party was a late-level three magician. And she had only been promoted to level three for a few days. What's the difference between the early stage of level three and the late stage of level three? What's more, the other party is a magician and she is a pharmacist. How could she be Kane's opponent?

  With a flick of her sleeves, the heroine released her beast pet, a golden-haired lion at the peak of the second level. Because wood soul pets are battle waste, many pharmacists, planters, and even poison refiners who own wood soul pets have the habit of raising animal pets, and the heroine is no exception. This golden retriever lion is the heroine's sixth She started raising it when she was 10 years old. Originally, the hostess was very satisfied with this animal pet of the top-grade bloodline, but when she saw the shadow wolf of the top-grade bloodline of her aunt, the hostess immediately became dissatisfied with her pet pet. She wanted better-looking and higher-level animal pets, so she started to play with her aunt.

  Seeing the other party releasing a second-level peak golden-haired lion, Kane looked contemptuous. He waved the magic wand in his hand, and a series of black wind blades greeted the lion.



  The second-level lion was no match for Kane. Once he faced him, the lion was easily killed by Kane. However, when Kane killed the lion and looked for it again, he found that the heroine had disappeared. "Hey, this dead girl."

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