chapter 9 The Villain Murong Jin

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Chapter 9 The Villain Murong Jin

  After breakfast, Shen Xuyao put Xiaoyan into the Sea of Consciousness and Shadow of the Wind Wolf into the Space Ring. Then, he locked the door of the house, took the horse in the yard, and left the house.

  The nearest town to Peach Blossom Village is Ping'an Town in the south of Peach Blossom Village. It only takes Shen Xuyao a cup of tea to ride a horse to get to the town.

  When he came to the town, Shen Xuyao started to buy. He went to the rice shop first and bought spiritual rice with rich spiritual energy. , eating Lingmi will help his cultivation. It is also of great benefit to his body.

  After buying the ling rice, Shen Xuyao went to buy first-class monster meat, ling vegetables, and ling fruit. He would buy a lot of each of them, and he bought them according to the amount he and Fengyinglang would eat for three months. In this case, after buying this time, he can not go out for another three months.

  After buying food and some daily necessities, Shen Xuyao went to the big trading house to buy jade for his soul pet.

  Walking into the commercial store, Shen Xuyao began to choose the Lingyu on the shelves.

  Sitting in the master's sea of consciousness, looking at the huge pile of Lingyu in front of him, Xiaoyan was very depressed. "What kind of junk are these? It's much worse than Lingshui. I don't want these, I want better ones."

  Hearing Xiaoyan's sound transmission, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. Sure enough, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal! Maybe I should have given Xiaoyan Lingyu first, instead of giving him Lingshui first.

  "Ancestor, just make do with it. There are only three shops in the town that sell spirit jade. Let's make do with it!"

  "Master, I don't want these rags, I don't want them!"

  "Hey, listen up. When my strength improves in the future, I will definitely give you better opportunities."

  Shen Xuyao was busy comforting the Lingyan Stone. A receptionist thought that Shen Xuyao was frightened when he saw Ling Yugui in the store, so he stepped forward very rudely and said, "This guest, our Lingyan stone Jade is the best quality spiritual jade, one hundred taels of silver!" That means, if you don't have money, don't come here to look around. This is not the place for you.

  "Oh, I want that, that, that..." Saying that, Shen Xuyao pointed to five pieces of Lingyu.

  "Five yuan?" Her eyes widened in disbelief, and the female receptionist looked Shen Xuyao up and down again. She was dressed in blue coarse cloth, which looked very cheap, and she was wearing a pair of ordinary cloth shoes. , This dress is completely the dress of an ordinary farmer? Is this man so rich?

  Taking out five hundred taels of silver, Shen Xuyao handed it over to the other party. He dressed shabby like a farmer, that was to avoid the Jiang family's eyes and ears, but in fact, he was not a real farmer.

  "Okay, okay, wait a moment." After taking the money, the female receptionist immediately went to fetch Lingyu for Shen Xuyao with a smile on her face.

  Shen Xuyao put away the five pieces of Lingyu he had bought, and left the shop and went to the next shop. After walking through three shops, Shen Xuyao bought a total of fifteen pieces of Lingyu. After buying the Lingyu, he left the town on horseback.

  Riding a horse, Shen Xuyao was walking home. As he walked, he found a white figure covered in blood in the woods beside him.

  "Law!" Pulling the rein of the horse, Shen Xuyao got off the horse immediately and ran to check in the woods.

  Seeing the man in white clothes lying under a big tree with blood all over his face, Shen Xuyao was stunned, and immediately stepped forward to check. Feeling the other party's pulse and listening to the other party's heartbeat, Shen Xuyao was sure that the other party was still alive, but injured.

  A small blue flower floated from the top of the man's head in white. The petals of this flower were wilted, and the leaves were a little withered. It looked very bad.

  Staring at the blue flower, Shen Xuyao couldn't help raising his eyebrows. What kind of flower is this? It looks like a modern blue rose! However, modern blue roses are all fake flowers, made by dyeing. This is a genuine blue enchantress!

  "Good-hearted man, can you save my master, please, please, save him!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao touched his nose in embarrassment. He just came over to check the situation, he didn't think about saving people! But at this moment, everyone has taken the initiative to ask, and he can't justify it if he doesn't save him!

  "I can't save him, that flower is Lanyou flower, a poisonous flower. His master must be a poison refiner, so I can't save him!"

  Hearing Xiaoyan's sound transmission, Shen Xuyao was startled. Is it Lan Youhua? In the original novel, it seems that the natal soul pet of the villain Murong Jin is also Lan Youhua!

  Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao looked at the little flower. "Little Lanhua, what's your master's name?"

  "My master's name is Murong Jin. He is not a bad person. If you save him, he will definitely repay you. Please, please save him!"

  Hearing Xiaohua's words, Shen Xuyao stroked his forehead, he is really a big villain, it seems that he has to save her. Thinking so, Shen Xuyao took out a healing potion from the space ring and poured it into the white-clothed man.

  "Will my master recover after drinking the potion?"

  "Don't worry, he will be fine." With that said, Shen Xuyao picked up Murong Jin who was on the ground, got on the horse for the second time, and left here.

  Who is Murong Jin? That is the number one villain in this book. How could the person who survived to the last chapter die so easily?


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