Chapter 148 Wind Shadow Wolf Level 4

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Chapter 148 Wind Shadow Wolf Level 4

  After returning to the residence, Shen Xuyao immediately activated the protective formation in the yard and released the Shadow of the Wind Wolf from the mobile cave.

  At this moment, the Shadow of the Wind Wolf has just been promoted to the fourth level, with a faint white light on his body, and the black fur looks like it has been waxed, and the oil is shiny. Under the sunlight, it looks even more extraordinary.

  He looked at the Shadow of the Wind Wolf, which was more than three meters high and ten meters long, much bigger than before. Shen Xuyao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He walked forward and touched the front legs of the Wind Shadow Wolf. "I made the cut, thank you for your hard work."

  Looking at Shen Xuyao, the Shadow of the Wind Wolf let out a howl and fell to the ground. "Xiaoyuan, I'm starving to death."

  Seeing the Fengyingwolf lying on the ground crying hungry, Shen Xuyao smiled helplessly. He rubbed the other person's big head. He took out the food bowl of the Shadow of the Wind Wolf, put fifty catties of monster meat in the bowl, and took out the water tank where the Shadow of the Wind Wolf drank, and put a tank of animal blood in it.

  Seeing the food, Feng Yinglang's eyes lit up, he immediately lowered his head and ate with relish.

  Staring at Feng Yinglang eating, Shen Xuyao frowned. Xin said: After Xiaofeng advanced to the fourth level, his height and length have increased. It is estimated that his food intake will also increase in the future! It seems that I have to work harder to earn spirit stones in the future!

  In just one stick of incense, the Shadow of the Wind Wolf ate up fifty catties of meat and ten catties of animal blood like a storm.

  "It's so comfortable. I haven't had food for three years." When Feng Yinglang was in seclusion, Shen Xuyao prepared a lot of monster meat, animal blood, potions, spiritual water, demon cores and spiritual stones for him. However, after thirteen years of eating, Feng Yinglang ran out of food. In the next three years, he relied on fasting potions and preserved spiritual fruits.

  Walking over, Shen Xuyao put some more spiritual water in the sink, but Feng Yinglang drank it all.

  Shen Xuyao smiled bitterly as he looked at Feng Yinglang, who had eaten the previous three meals in one meal. He said in his heart: This appetite has indeed increased.

  After eating and drinking enough, Feng Yinglang lazily turned his body into the size of a palm. "I want to take a bath."

  Shen Xuyao nodded, took out Feng Yinglang's bathtub, and filled it with water. Feng Yinglang jumped in and washed himself. After Feng Yinglang became an adult, he no longer needed Shen Xuyao's help in bathing, and Shen Xuyao was happy to have some leisure time.

  After Feng Yinglang finished taking a bath, Shen Xuyao returned home with Feng Yinglang in his arms. The Wind Shadow Wolf lay directly on the recliner that belonged to it and the little golden snake. Looking at the little golden snake sleeping beside him, Feng Yinglang gently rubbed his head with his paws.

  The little golden snake coiled up in a ball opened its eyes and was ecstatic to see the Wind Shadow Wolf, whom he had not seen for many years. He spat out the letter and hissed. He immediately swam over and entangled himself with the Wind Shadow Wolf.

  Seeing the two having a friendly exchange, Shen Xuyao smiled. Sitting on the chair nearby, he picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, lowered his head and drank by himself.

  "Master, why did you lie and say you have a seventh-level master?"

  He saw Xiao Yan flying out and sitting on an upside-down tea cup, looking at him doubtfully. Shen Xuyao smiled. "Don't say that, what if that old guy at level six wants to take me as his apprentice?"

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