Chapter 132 Blood Alliance Robbers Group

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Chapter 132 Blood Alliance Robbers Group

  When the soul pet masters in the Valley of Lovers were at a loss, confused, and at a loss, suddenly, eleven people flew out of the crowd and flew over the heads of the crowd. These eleven people are all wearing black robes, with black skull masks on their faces, and their costumes are very uniform.

  "One level six, ten level five, what a huge battle!"

  Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Shen Xuyao's face turned ugly. Originally, I just wanted to bring my wife here for fun, but I didn't expect that I would be so unlucky to encounter robbers in a place like this. What a disappointment!

  Suspended in mid-air, ten level five soul pet masters each threw two poisonous mist balls downward. Twenty poisonous mist balls exploded among the crowd, and streams of red poisonous mist splashed out.

  "Ah, poisonous fog!"


  Seeing the poisonous mist released by the opponent, many of the soul pet masters below became confused. Some took out masks to wear, and some took out antidote potions to take. Suddenly, the soul pet masters were in chaos. There was a ball.

  Seeing the poisonous mist, Murong Jin took out a bottle of Xiaolan's juice and poured it directly into Shen Xuyao. Then, he cut his finger and fed the blood to Shen Xuyao.

  Shen Xuyao immediately put away Xiaoyan. After licking his lover's blood, he immediately took out the protective mask and put it on his face.

  Murong Jin also put away Xiaolan and put on the same third-level mask as his lover.

  "Xiaoyan, can your spiritual speech technique be transmitted out of this formation?"

  Xiaoyan nodded after hearing Shen Xuyao's voice inquiry. "No problem. The formation cannot trap my Spiritual Word Technique."

  "That's good!" After getting this answer, Shen Xuyao felt confident. After pulling out his space ring, Shen Xuyao hid directly in his boots.

Seeing his lover hide the space ring, Murong Jin also hides the space ring. However, Murong Jin took out the interspatial rings, one of the robbers' interspatial rings was taken by himself, and the other was given to Shen Xuyao.

  When he took it and took a look, he found that there were only some tattered clothes in the space ring, and Shen Xuyao smiled. He put the space ring on his finger. I thought: This should be my wife’s trophy.

  "Murong, do you know what kind of poison they used just now?" After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao asked about it.

  Hearing her lover's voice transmission inquiry, Murong Jin shook his head. "I don't know, but don't worry, my blood and Xiaolan's juice can cure all poisons, and you will be fine."

  "It is a fifth-level mandala poison. This poison will not kill the soul pet master, but it will make the soul pet master unable to use soul pets and use spiritual power. The poisoned soul pet master will look like a useless person. Same, no ability to resist."

  After hearing Xiao Yan's answer, Shen Xuyao nodded. He immediately told Murong Jin what Xiao Yan said.

  "So it's this kind of poison." Nodding his head, Murong Jin expressed his understanding.

  This group of robbers used this poison to deal with everyone, obviously to control the people here. At this moment, there are at least a thousand people in Lover's Valley, and it is impossible to control a thousand soul pet masters just by relying on a five-level blocking formation. Therefore, the other party can only use poison to achieve the goal of controlling everyone.

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