Chapter 26 Beautiful Misunderstanding

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Chapter 26 Beautiful Misunderstanding

  Shen Xuyao's room.

  Standing on Shen Xuyao's palm, Xiaoyan looked at his master dissatisfied. "Master, what about me, where is my New Year's gift?"

  Hearing the other party's question, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. "The relationship between the two of us is so good, do we still need gifts?"

  Received such an answer, Xiaoyan rolled his eyes. "I knew it, you didn't prepare it for me. You are a guy who values sex and despises me."

  Facing the complaints from his soul pet, Shen Xuyao was very helpless. "Then what gift do you want?"

  "Thirty soul stones." Straight to the point, Xiaoyan didn't go around in circles with Shen Xuyao.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao frowned. "No, I want to keep those thirty soul stones for the second level. I can't eat them now."

  It took him two months to retrieve these thirty soul stones from Dongshan with great difficulty, in order to save them for the second-level attack. You must know that it is a hurdle to advance from the first level to the second level and cross the big realm. Without a good chance, it is very possible to be stuck for decades.

  Looking at the serious-looking master, Xiaoyan looked contemptuous. "You think too much, don't you? Just those 30 soul stones, you still want to keep the second level of impact, how can it be enough? Even if the quality of soul stones is higher than spirit jade, not inferior to spirit water. Your thirty There are too few blocks, and it is far from enough to hit the second level."

  "If it's not enough, we can continue to look for opportunities. These thirty soul stones can't be moved for the time being." As long as he can get the opportunity of Xishan, the opportunity for him to advance to the second level is enough.

  Hearing this, Xiaoyan nodded. "Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind, I'm afraid that you will be blinded by your color, and when you are happy, you will give Xiao Pohua the soul stone that I have worked so hard to find."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao snorted softly. "Am I that unreliable?"

  "Then maybe people in love are fools with no brains and no IQ."

  "However, if you want to be with the person you like, you must have strength, and you must have the ability to protect him, and then you are qualified to be with him. If you don't have strength, everything is empty talk, and you can like it I just like it for nothing." Shen Xuyao saw this very clearly.

  Looking at his master, Xiaoyan nodded in agreement. "That's right, don't blame me for not reminding you, Murong Jin is at the early stage of the second level, and now you have given him medicine and spirit jade, it is estimated that he will advance to the middle stage of the second level soon , if you don't work hard yourself, your strength will always be inferior to him, and in the future, when you marry him back, you will have to hang up and beat your wife every day. Therefore, all love and love are false, and strength is king. Understand?"

"You don't need to say, a lot of people want me to die, can I not practice hard?" If he doesn't practice hard and improve his strength, he may die at any time. The heroine has been eyeing him all the time and is looking for him everywhere!

  "It's good to know."

  "What did you whisper to Xiaolan yesterday?"

  Hearing this, Xiaoyan rolled Heidou's eyes. "Didn't you say anything? Didn't you ask me to spend more time with it and cultivate a friendship, so I will cultivate it!" What can I say? Not for your lifelong event.

  "Well, let's develop a good relationship with Xiaolan. In the future, you can fight side by side. You will become close comrades in arms." He and Murong Jin are a combination of cannon fodder and villain. The combination is so cool, but they have the same enemies, and there will not be too few opportunities to fight side by side. Therefore, Shen Xuyao hopes that his soul pet and Xiaolan can establish a deep friendship, so that in future battles, the two little guys will be able to fight together. more tacit understanding.

  "Understood, teach me every day, do you think you are the tutor in the academy?"

  Seeing Xiaoyan's stubborn appearance, Shen Xuyao frowned. "say what?"

  "Nothing!" Shaking his head, Xiaoyan immediately denied it.

  "Okay, let's start practicing!" After saying that, Shen Xuyao took out three pieces of jade to Xiaoyan.

  "Are you eating Lingyu again?" Seeing the jade, Xiaoyan felt a little queasy.

  "Eat it, eat Lingyu for one month, and let you soak in Lingshui next month. If you always soak in Lingshui, the effect will be greatly reduced. Therefore, Lingyu and Lingshui should be used alternately."

  "Got it." He nodded sullenly. Reluctantly, Xiaoyan picked up the Lingyu, and gnawed on it.

  Slowly closing his eyes, Shen Xuyao began to practice, completely unaware that a beautiful misunderstanding had already occurred in Murong Jin's heart.

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