Chapter 184 Going to Moon Shadow Mountain

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Chapter 184 Going to Moon Shadow Mountain

  Seeing the couple leaving, Uncle Ma looked at Feng Hua depressedly. "I said Sixth Master, how can you let them go? We haven't inspected the goods yet?"

  Hearing this, Feng Hua looked helplessly at Uncle Ma beside him. "Oh, it's okay, Xu Yao won't lie to me."

  Looking at the impatient young master, Uncle Ma shook his head helplessly, and immediately walked to the corner to check. Before the discovery, the teleportation formation used by Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin had disappeared. There is not a single formation on the ground.

  After searching for a long time, but did not find any clues, Uncle Ma was very depressed. I thought: These two guys must have blocked the corresponding teleportation array after they left. It really is cunning enough!

  Returning to Feng Hua's side, looking at Feng Hua who was holding a pack of jerky and eating with a look of intoxication, Uncle Ma sighed helplessly, and immediately led the other three guards, opened the big box, and checked the medicine in the box . After checking it three times, it was confirmed that it was a thousand pieces of fourth-grade low-grade medicine. There was no expired medicine or waste medicine. Uncle Ma felt relieved.

  "How about I just say that my friends won't cheat me?"

  Hearing this, Uncle Ma looked at the other party. "Master, can't you inspect the goods first next time?"

  "Oh, that's not necessary. Xu Yao is not that kind of person. Let's go back." With that, Feng Hua put away the potion. He left Dashi Village with everyone.


  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin sat in the teleportation array and returned directly to the Xu family's training room in their yard.

  After returning, Shen Xuyao immediately punched in a bunch of small animal skin flags to block the formation.

  "Ouch..." Xiaoyuan, Murong, you are back!

  Seeing the two returning, the Wind Shadow Wolf, who was guarding the teleportation formation, immediately came forward to greet them.

  Raising his hand, Shen Xuyao rubbed Feng Yinglang's fur. "Let's go to the space." With that said, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin and Fengying Lang to the ring space.

  Coming to the cave, the little golden snake yelled at Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin twice, and approached its master affectionately.

  Murong Jin raised his hand and rubbed the other person's head. He gave the other party another spiritual fruit to eat.

  Shen Xuyao walked to the corner, waved his hand, and took out ten million spiritual stones.

Looking at the pile of spiritual stones in the corner, the Shadow of the Wind Wolf and the Little Golden Snake screamed excitedly.

  "Xiao Feng, Xiao Jin, these spirit stones are for your cultivation. And here are Xiao Feng's fifty rabbits and Xiao Jin's fifty chickens." After saying that, Shen Xuyao gave two beast pets to each of them. bag. Both were very excited.

  "Xiaofeng, this is the spirit treasure dragon pill that I prepared for you to advance to the fifth level. You put it away yourself." With that said, Shen Xuyao handed a box of dragon pills to Fengyinglang.

  "Xiaoyuan, you are so awesome. You actually got the Dragon Pill Pearl. This is a good thing!" Seeing the ten Dragon Pill Pearls, Feng Yinglang was very happy and put all the beads into the space ring.

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