Chapter 94 Teleportation Array

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Chapter 94 Teleportation Array

  After leaving, Shen Xuyao and the others found a secluded place to set up a tent and rest. Kane wisely went back to his tent, leaving time and space for Shen Xuyao and his wife to reminisce about the past.

  Looking at her lover sitting next to her, Murong Jin showed a soft smile. "Xu Yao, are you hungry? I'll cook for you!"

  "No!" Holding his lover's arm, Shen Xuyao didn't let him leave.

  Lowering his head and looking at the pulled arm, Murong Jin couldn't help but blush. "I……"

  "How long will the secret realm be closed?"

  Hearing his lover ask this, Murong Jin thought about it. Immediately replied: "There are still four months."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Okay, three months of double cultivation, one month to find opportunities."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while. By the time he came to his senses, he was already being held in the arms of his lover.

  Sitting on her lover's lap and looking at the man so close to her, Murong Jin felt a little uncomfortable. "Xu Yao!"

  "You've been with me for so long, are you still shy?"

  Taking a glance, deliberately teasing his lover, Murong Jin wrinkled his nose in dissatisfaction. "When you leave the customs, you will know how to bully people."

  "No, it's been a long night, where is this going?"

  Raising his head and looking at his smiling partner, Murong Jin frowned. "Don't think about dual cultivation. I have something serious to talk to you about."

  Looking at his serious-looking wife, Shen Xuyao also became serious. "Okay, Ma'am, please tell me."

  Murong Jin's face turned red when he heard Madam's voice. "I, I really have something to tell you."

  "Okay, tell me, I'm listening!"

  "Xuyao, I killed my father and mother enemy Xuanyuan Zhengde, and today you killed your mother and mother enemy Jiang He. These two people are very high in the Xuanyuan family and the Jiang family, and, The two bastards Xuanyuan Zhan and Jiang Shanshan have escaped. Therefore, this matter cannot be concealed. After the secret realm is closed, we return to the Soul Pet Master Continent. Your grandfather and the head of the Xuanyuan family will definitely come to seek revenge on us. Therefore, we have to come up with countermeasures as soon as possible to prepare for a rainy day, otherwise, if the fourth-level soul pet master seeks revenge, we will be in disaster." Thinking of this, Murong Jin's expression was very ugly.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded in agreement. "Not only the Xuanyuan family and the Jiang family, but also the Murong family and the Wang family. Before, Kane and I occupied Lingshi Mountain. People from these four families wanted to seize our Lingshi Mountain. Therefore, I killed many of these four families. People. Therefore, after we go out, we will encounter many strong enemies."

  "Then, what should we do?"

  Raising his hand, Shen Xuyao smiled and rubbed his lover's hair. "Believe me, I will find a way to deal with it. We are not at the end of the road yet, we still have a way out, you don't have to worry."

  "If it doesn't work, after we leave the secret realm, we can seek refuge with the Melis family. What do you think?" After thinking about it, Murong Jin felt that the best way at this moment is to seek refuge with the big family.

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