Chapter 115 Spending money like running water

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Chapter 115 Spending money like running water

  A few days later, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin went to the Huo Family Trading Company, the largest trading firm in Fengsha Town. This time, Shen Xuyao went with his real identity, neither he nor Murong Jin wore masks.

  Shopkeeper Hu was ecstatic to see Shen Xuyao, whom he hadn't seen for three years, show up. Welcoming him immediately. "Pharmacist Shen, have you left the customs?"

  "Yeah, I left customs a year ago, and I've been studying pharmacy for the past year." Having said that, Shen Xuyao smiled. He has only been out of customs for half a year, but he exercises every day and goes out to experience, his strength is very stable, it is impossible to tell that he was promoted half a year ago.

  "Oh, so that's the case, who is this?" Shopkeeper Hu was very curious about the handsome Shuang'er beside Shen Xuyao.

  "This is my wife, and his name is Murong Jin." Smiling, Shen Xuyao made an introduction.

  "Oh, it turns out to be Mrs. Shen." With a smile, Shopkeeper Hu took the initiative to greet Murong Jin.

  "Shopkeeper Hu." Murong Jin bowed his head and greeted the other party politely.

  "Mrs. Shen, you're welcome. Pharmacist Shen and I are old friends. Please, two people on the second floor." As he spoke, shopkeeper Hu made a gesture of invitation.

  "Okay!" Nodding, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin's hand and followed Shopkeeper Hu to the second floor.

  Arriving on the second floor, shopkeeper Hu invited Shen Xuyao and his wife into the living room. Immediately asked the female receptionist to bring tea and snacks to greet the two of them.

  "Congratulations to Pharmacist Shen, your strength has improved again!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Treasurer Hu overrated the prize. It's just a fluke."

  "Hey, Pharmacist Shen is too modest. You are only thirty years old, and you are a soul pet master in the middle of the third level. Your future is boundless!" This is not flattery, but a heartfelt statement. The pharmacist's training talent is really good.

  "Shopkeeper Hu, I'm so thin-skinned, please don't praise me anymore. Please take a look at the goods I brought you this time." After saying that, Shen Xuyao took out a thousand potions that he praised and handed them over. other side.

  Looking at the box that Shen Xuyao took out, shopkeeper Hu got up and opened the box. Seeing that the box was full of medicines, and they were all third-level medicines, shopkeeper Hu couldn't help but widen his eyes. "Third-level pharmacist, Shen Yao, are you already a third-level pharmacist?"

  "Yes, I can already refine third-level medicines. However, most of the medicines I refine are low-level medicines, and my level is limited." Speaking of this, Shen Xuyao looked helpless. Xin said: If these are middle-grade potions, or high-grade potions, then he can earn more spirit stones.

  "Pharmacist Shen, you are too modest, and your pharmacy skills have improved too quickly, which is too surprising!" To be honest, Manager Hu did not expect that the other party could become a third-level pharmacist so quickly. He thought that Shen Xuyao was still young, and it would take at least ten or eight years to become a third-level pharmacist. Unexpectedly, this kid's talent in medicine was no worse than his talent in cultivation. After two years of seclusion, his strength has improved to a small level. After a year of seclusion, he became a third-level pharmacist. What a genius!

  "It's just a family background. It's nothing." Smiling, Shen Xuyao said modestly.

  "Pharmacist Shen is a genius in the world of pharmacists!" After speaking, shopkeeper Hu looked at Shen Xuyao, and impatiently began to examine the medicines in the box.

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