chapter 20 surprise but no danger

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Chapter 20

  After changing his appearance, Shen Xuyao just returned to the shoe store for the second time and came to Murong Jin's side. He looked at the shoes the other had tried on. "Are they all the right size?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. Means all shoe sizes fit.

  "Boss, I want all these pairs. How much?"

  "You want to buy two pairs too?" Murong Jin said, handing over a pair of black boots to the other party.

  "No, I still have two new pairs of shoes!" Shaking his head with a smile, Shen Xuyao refused. He paid for Murong Jin's shoes directly.

  After buying the shoes, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin to buy clothes, food, bedding, monster meat, spiritual fruits and vegetables, as well as the first-level body training potions that Shen Xuyao needed, etc. need something.

  The two led the horses, walked from shop to shop, and bought everything that should be bought. Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin to the next street, planning to buy the last thing - Lingyu.

  Before reaching the door of the jade shop, the two of them were stopped by four guards of the Jiang family. A guard took out Jiang Yuan's portrait, pointed to the person on the portrait and asked, "Have you two seen this person?"

  "I haven't seen it!" Shaking his head, Shen Xuyao replied calmly, but his hand holding the rein was tightly tightened. Sure enough, they came to look for him. Unexpectedly, it has only been half a year, and they have already found this place. The Jiang family really worked hard to find him!

  "Let's go!" Frowning in disappointment, the guard waved his hand, motioning for the two to leave.

  Glancing at each other, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin stepped forward. Shen Xuyao passed by Zhao Gang, who led the team. Seeing that he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by the other party.

  "Wait a moment!"

  Hearing Zhao Gang's words behind him, Shen Xuyao stopped in his tracks, and his heart skipped a beat. I thought: Could it be that I was recognized? This Zhao Gang has met the original owner many times! Could it be that his voice and back were recognized by the other party?

  Walking over, Zhao Gang stopped Shen Xuyao. "What's your name, fellow daoist?"

  "My name is Shen Xuyao." After calming down, Shen Xuyao said calmly.

  "Oh, is your surname Shen? Then where do you live?" Staring at Shen Xuyao, Zhao Gang asked again.

  "I live in Peach Blossom Village." This is the truth, I do live in Peach Blossom Village.

  "Oh, Peach Blossom Village!" Nodding his head, Zhao Gang suddenly raised his hand and lifted the mask on Shen Xuyao's face.

  Looking at Shen Xuyao's hideous face, Zhao Gang couldn't help being stunned. His eyebrows were one thick and the other thin, one high and the other low, his eyes were big and small, and his nose was quite normal. a nostril. The mouth is also crooked, and what is even more disgusting is the sarcoma the size of a quail egg on the other side's face, and the birthmarks on the right side of the face.

  "My god, did you actually grow up like this?"

  "Boy, you look like this, you still dare to go out?"

  "You are really brave!"

  Seeing Shen Xuyao's face for the first time, Murong Jin was also taken aback, but he soon recovered and snatched the mask back from Zhao Gang's hand. "presumptuous!"

  Hearing Murong Jin's scolding, Zhao Gang looked at the other party. Zhao Gang is a soul pet master in the middle of the second level, and Murong Jin is a soul pet master in the early stage of the second level, both of them are second level. Without knowing that Murong Jin is a poison refiner, it is naturally impossible for Zhao Gang to be afraid of him.

  "Fellow Daoist, don't be angry, I'm just looking for someone. Our young cousin is lost, our city lord, our uncle and fifth lady are all very worried about our young cousin."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin snorted coldly. "Hmph, you're looking for your young master, why do you take off other people's masks?"

  "This little friend is about the same age and height as my young cousin. That's why I'm curious about his appearance. I'm offended." He said so, but Zhao Gang showed disdain on his face, and he didn't have any sincerity to apologize. .


  Murong Jin wanted to say something, but was stopped by Shen Xuyao. "Let's go, let's go buy Lingyu."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin turned to look at Shen Xuyao, and handed him the mask in his hand.

  After taking it, Shen Xuyao put it on his face calmly. Pulling Murong Jin, they left together.

  Seeing the two leave, a guard walked to Zhao Gao's side. "Brother Zhao, you're thinking too much. That trash Jiang Yuan has the strength at the beginning of the first level, and that Shen Xuyao just now has the strength at the middle of the first level, not him."

  "Well, his strength is indeed a little lower, but his back is somewhat similar to that trash." Having said that, Zhao Gang frowned. They have been looking for half a year. The twelve people were divided into three groups, one to the east and one to the west, and his route was to the north. It's a pity that after searching for half a year, none of the three groups of people found any clues. This Jiangyuan seemed to have evaporated from the world, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it.

  The uncle and Miss Fifth asked about the situation of the search every now and then, which put a lot of pressure on him, the team leader!

  "Indeed, the back of this kid is somewhat similar to that trash. However, the little trash grew up in our Jiang family, but he doesn't know anyone else?"

  "That's right Brother Zhao, the one next to him is a second-level soul pet master! It's impossible for a little waste to know such a person."

  "Well, that's true." Nodding his head, Zhao Gang also thought it was impossible.

  The other party has only been away from the Jiang family for half a year, so it is impossible for him to improve his strength by a small level so quickly. You must know that he was awakened at the age of three and has been practicing for ten years. He is still a soul pet master at the beginning of the first level? How could it be possible to improve the small realm in half a year? In addition, there are second-level monks beside the other party, so it is even more impossible to be Jiang Yuan.

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