chapter 45 going out to practice

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Chapter 45

  After a year, Shen Xuyao relied on Lingbao to raise his strength to the second level peak. Murong Jin also relied on hard training to raise his strength to the second level peak. The strength of the two is now on the same level.

  After being promoted, Shen Xuyao felt that his strength was gained by using Tiancaidibao and potion Cui, and worried that his strength would not be stable, so he took Murong Jin to the nearby Monster Beast Mountain to experience and stabilize his strength.

  Shen Xuyao and his party went to a monster mountain near Anle Town to practice. After practicing here for half a month, the three of them were in a good mood. On this day, three people were sitting together and eating barbecue. As a result, I saw five disgraced soul pet masters running towards this side. Seeing the faces of the five, Shen Xuyao was very depressed, and Murong Jin's expression became extremely ugly. Those five people were none other than the five members of the Murong family whom they had seen before.

  I saw that following the five people was a late-level wild bull. Without saying a word, Shen Xuyao directly activated the twenty-four animal bones surrounding the three people. Walls of blue water waves more than five meters high rose from the ground and formed a semicircular cover, protecting Shen Xuyao and the other two in the middle.


  Seeing that Shen Xuyao and the others actually used protective formations. Murong Ding's face was extremely ugly. The reason why he ran this way was because he saw someone here, thinking that he could pull a few backs to hold the wild bull, but he didn't expect these three monks to With such caution, a protective formation was arranged in advance.

  Within the protective formation, Shen Xuyao and the other two were eating barbecue while admiring the scene of the five members of the Murong family being chased and beaten by the wild bull outside.

  "Hehe, good fight, good fight. Kill those bad guys."

  Looking at the dancing little orchid standing on Murong Jin's shoulder, Kane smiled. "Why, do you know those five people outside?"

  "We know each other, we have known each other for many years." At this point, Murong Jin sneered.

  "Since we have known each other for many years, is it really okay if we don't save them like this? There are five of them, three first-level, two second-level, one of the second-level is in the middle stage, and the other is in the early stage. If we don't save them, I guess , I'm afraid these five people can't hold on! Maybe they will all die here?" Kane said slowly while eating kebabs.

  "It's best to die." At this point, Murong Jin snorted coldly. He wished that those five people would all die, and die cleanly.

  "I didn't make a move now. Helping that desolate bull deal with the five of them is already kind to them." With that said, Shen Xuyao handed the grilled meat skewers to Murong Jin. As a result, Kane snatched it halfway.

  Looking at his empty hands, Murong Jin couldn't help but frown. Helplessly glanced at the meat skewer in Kane's hand.

  Turning his head, Shen Xuyao also looked at Kane. "I said senior, you have eaten a lot here. Save some for Murong! You are not afraid of eating too much and losing your figure?" Aren't women very concerned about their figure? How can this guy eat so boldly?

  Hearing this, Kane pouted. "Don't be so stingy. Your wife can't eat much. How about such a big cow? What a waste!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao rolled his eyes. "It's not that I'm stingy, but Murong hasn't eaten a piece of meat yet? You'll starve him to death."

  "Okay, okay, I won't eat it. You can roast it for him!" Shen Xuyao, a stingy guy, couldn't bear to eat two pieces of his barbecue.

  After giving the other party a sideways look, Shen Xuyao said nothing and continued to roast meat for Murong Jin.

  Looking at the meat skewer in his hand, Murong Jin handed it to Shen Xuyao with a blushing face. "Eat something too! It's already noon, and you haven't eaten anything yet?"

  Xu Yao has been busy with roasting meat, but after Xu Yao roasted for half an hour, Kane ate all the roasted meat. Xu Yao didn't eat any of it!

  Looking up, looking at the meat skewers handed over by his lover, Shen Xuyao leaned over and took a piece of meat from Murong Jin's hand. Smiling and eating.

  Seeing the two sitting together and Shen Xuyao being fed by Murong Jin, Kane couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Nasty!"

  Hearing Kane's words, Murong Jin blushed uncomfortably.

  "Okay, eat it, I'll eat it later." I picked up two skewers of meat and stuffed my stomach. Shen Xuyao stopped eating, and left the rest of the skewers with his lover.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. With a blushing face, he wiped off the stains from the corners of Shen Xuyao's mouth with a handkerchief, and then lowered his head to eat the meat skewers in his hand.

  "Master, master, the wild bull has lost!"

  Hearing Xiaolan's words, the three of them looked outside the formation.


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