Chapter 158 Transaction

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Chapter 158 Transaction

  Seeing Zhang Yun's excited appearance, Shen Xuyao was flattered. "Senior Zhang, my wife and I went on a trip and came to this Qingzhu Town. I am very grateful for the warm hospitality of Senior Zhang. How about it, I will live here for a few days. If Senior wants to see me for a doctor, or If you come to me to take the order, I will give seniors a 10% discount."

  Hearing this, Zhang Yun smiled. "Master Jiang, there were originally four pharmacists in our town. However, something went wrong and two of the pharmacists left Qingzhu Town. Therefore, the supply of medicines in our town is not available. I don't know Jiang Does the genius doctor still have any stock?"

  After looking at Zhang Yun, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Senior Zhang, does he know where my potions come from? Do you know why I wear a mask to sell potions?"

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's inquiry, Zhang Yun smiled knowingly. "Don't worry, Miracle Doctor Jiang, we four brothers and sisters must keep our mouths shut. We have never seen Miracle Doctor Jiang, and we have definitely never bought any medicine from Miracle Jiang."

  Where did the potion come from? Naturally, it was withheld from the Xu family. Pharmacists are used to doing this kind of thing. Moreover, many owners also know it. However, card masters and pharmacists are scarce in mainland China. As long as the pharmacists don't corrupt too much or do too much, they can't do anything too much. In order to win over the pharmacists under him, the boss turned a blind eye and would not pursue the case.

  Glancing at Zhang Yun, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Okay, I still have a hundred potions here. I can sell them to Senior Zhang at the purchase price."

  Meeting Shen Xuyao's gaze, Zhang Yun smiled. "As far as I know, Divine Doctor Jiang has not left Hongye Town for ten years. Your accumulation in the past ten years must be at least 500 potions, right? You are selling this potion to everyone, why not just sell it to everyone? Me! It will also save Miracle Doctor Jiang from running around."

  Looking at Zhang Yun with a cunning look on his face, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Senior Zhang praised me. How can I have so many potions? I can only sell one hundred and fifty more potions to senior at most. No more. My partner and I are both level three, and we have to keep them ourselves. Some potions are used.”

  "Okay, I want one hundred and fifty." Zhang Yun nodded and said he wanted all of them.

  Shen Xuyao took out the potion from his space ring. The four brothers and sisters of the Zhang family immediately took them over to check one by one, and only after confirming that they were correct, they put them away one by one.

  After completing the transaction, Shen Xuyao took away the spiritual stone given by the other party with satisfaction. "Senior Zhang, I have twenty rare potions here. I wonder if you are interested. If you are interested, I can sell them to you at a 20% discount."

  "Oh, I wonder what kind of potions they are?" Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, becoming interested.

  "Some people previously placed orders for the third-level unpopular potion that I refined." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao took out a box, opened it and placed it on the table.

  Reaching out her hand, Seventh Miss picked up a potion from the box. "This, is this Tianming Potion?"

  "Here, is this a frozen potion?"

  "Is this a soul-stabilizing potion?"

  Seeing the shocked appearance of his younger brothers and sisters, Zhang Yun was also shocked. He looked at the potions in the box, and then turned to Shen Xuyao. "Doctor Jiang, how do you sell these potions?"

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