Chapter 72 secret realm Opening

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Chapter 72

  Under everyone's eager anticipation, it finally came to the opening date of the ancient mountain secret realm. On this day, all the black teleportation stones burst into dazzling black light, and the soul pet masters who possessed the teleportation stones were all teleported into the secret realm.

  Standing outside a forest, looking at Kane beside him, Shen Xuyao sighed.

  "Josie and Murong are not here!" Kane was very disappointed when he didn't see the shadow of those two people. She thought that the four of them were transported to the secret realm together from that small courtyard, so they would land in the same place? Unexpectedly, they were still separated.

  "Being separated, I can only find it slowly." Having said this, Shen Xuyao frowned.

  Before coming to the secret realm, he guessed that there was a high possibility of being separated, so he divided everything into two, he and Murong were half. However, even if they knew that they might be separated, they were more or less lucky, hoping that there would be accidents and that they would not be separated. But the reality is cruel, he and his wife were still separated.

  Looking around, Shen Xuyao found that there were no other soul pet masters here. He then said to Xiao Yan: "Look for Murong."

  A blue light scattered out, but unfortunately, Xiaoyan couldn't find anyone either. "Master, Murong Jin was not found within the search area."

  Hearing this answer, Shen Xuyao's face darkened. "Okay, I got it." Low strength is flawed, if his strength is higher, the search range can be wider, and the possibility of finding a wife will be greater.

  Looking around, Kane looked at Shen Xuyao beside him. "Xu Yao, what shall we do now? Which direction are we going?"

  Hearing the other party's inquiry, Shen Xuyao glanced at Kane, then turned to look around. They are now in a clearing, the west is boundless plains, lush and full of various grasses, and the east is a forest with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the trees are very tall. A mountain can be vaguely seen in the south, and it seems to be a desert in the north, which can be judged from the fine sand blown by the wind.

  His mind was spinning quickly, Shen Xuyao was thinking about the original work, he was thinking about where the hero and heroine have been and what opportunities they have had. Have you ever been to the four places in front of him?

  After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao thought that the hero and the heroine got the amethyst fruit in the amethyst fruit forest. The forest in front of me is the amethyst fruit forest. Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao nodded clearly. He took Kane and walked towards the woods to the east.

  Amethyst fruit is a very precious fruit with a wide range of uses. It can be combined with other medicinal materials to refine twenty-eight kinds of medicines. Moreover, it can be used to refine potions to assist in advancing to the third level, and can also be used to refine potions to stabilize strength. It can be said that it is a very good medicinal material. However, this kind of fruit is extremely rare.

  Why do you say that? Because it takes thirty years for an amethyst fruit tree to grow from a seedling to an adult, and after it becomes an adult, the fruit tree will bloom, and it takes ten years to grow from an adult to flower, and then bear fruit. It also takes ten years from flowering to fruiting. Calculated this way, it takes a total of fifty years for an amethyst fruit tree to grow from seedling to fruiting. The time required is very long.

  The opening time of the ancient mountain secret realm is ten years, not fifty years. Therefore, it is not easy to obtain mature amethyst fruits within a fixed time. Even though there is an amethyst fruit forest here, it is not so easy to come across a fruit tree that will ripen within the past ten years. Moreover, amethyst fruit trees are very delicate and difficult to transplant. Once transplanted, they will die easily.

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