Chapter 13 The Soul Pet Quarrel

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Chapter 13 The Soul Pet Quarrel

  Seeing Xiaoyan, Xiao Lanhua couldn't help but startled. "Hey, aren't you a stone? How did you become a seal?"

  Hearing this, Xiaoyan rolled his eyes unhappily. "You are the rock, your family is all rocks. I am a soul pet, can't you see you, you are blind?"

  "Hey, Rotten Stone, who are you calling blind?"

  "I'm scolding you, you stinky and shameless guy, you still want to stay at my house and not leave after eating my dinner, you really think so beautifully!"

  "Hmph, your house, you're ashamed to say, this is brother Xuyao's house, not yours!" Two flowers and leaves were bent, and Xiaolan made a very anthropomorphic gesture of akimbo.

  "You fart, my master's home is my home, why isn't it my home?"

  "Smelly Stone, are you looking for a fight?"

  "Are you looking for a beating? You didn't leave after eating my dinner, and you still want to stay at my house to eat and drink, you shameless rotten flower, stinky flower."

  "See if I don't kill you today."

  "Who is afraid of you?"

  Looking at the two soul pets wrestling into a ball in mid-air, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin exchanged an awkward look at each other.

  "I'm sorry, Xiaoyan in our family has a bad temper." Lowering his head, Shen Xuyao hastily apologized.

  "No, it's Xiaolan's fault. She ate your soul pet's spirit jade. I'll call it back right away." As he said that, Murong Jin rushed to grab his soul pet back.

  Shen Xuyao also immediately caught Xiaoyan back. "What are you fighting for? Go back."

  "Master, you can't keep these two money-losers, and you can't let them eat and drink ours for free." Speaking of this, Xiaoyan looked aggrieved.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao helped his forehead. "What nonsense are you talking about? Go back quickly."

  "Master, I'm not talking nonsense. You just want to keep him by your side, even though that guy looks good. He's at the second level, and you are at the first level. Moreover, that guy is a poison refiner. You are a wife."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao really wanted to sew up the mouth of this Lingyan stone. "Okay, you don't have to worry about my affairs, go back."

  "Prime sex and despise me, hum!" Glaring Shen Xuyao aggrievedly, Xiaoyan returned to the Sea of Consciousness reluctantly.

  Seeing Xiaoyan go back, Shen Xuyao secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Is Murong Jin double? That's right, it was also mentioned in the original book, isn't it just double? How did you forget about this? It may be because Murong Jin in the original book has no interest in men and women, and has never married a wife in his life, and has no relationship with a married person. Therefore, Shen Xuyao actually ignored the other party's gender.

  You know, there are three genders in this soul pet master continent, namely: male, female, and twin. Shuang words are blessed by nature, you can marry someone and have children by yourself, or you can marry a wife and make a woman pregnant.

  Thinking of Murong Jin's gender, Shen Xuyao glanced at Murong Jin's face opposite, looking at the shining cinnabar red mole on the center of the other's brow, Shen Xuyao thought, even if a person like a villain has an alluring face, It should be that no one dares to marry.

  According to the original book, when Murong Jin was six years old, Murong Jin's parents went out to practice and look for opportunities. Later, they were killed by the hero's father because they robbed the opportunities. From then on, Murong Jin became an orphan without father and mother , and was bullied by Murong's family.

  When Murong Jin was fourteen years old, the family arranged for Murong Jin to marry an elderly third-level pharmacist. But Murong Jin was arrogant and unwilling to marry an old man, so he poisoned his guards to death, escaped from the marriage, and escaped from Murong's house. Later, any man who had a crush on Murong Jin would be poisoned to death, not only men, but also women. If a woman took the initiative to seduce him, she would also be killed by him. Therefore, after that, no one dared to marry Murong Jin, and even less so, no one dared to marry Murong Jin.

  At this moment, Murong Jin couldn't even get out ten thousand taels of silver. Thinking about it, it should be the time when he escaped from marriage and left Murong's house. It can also be heard in the middle that he is a person who knows how to reciprocate, and is not an evil villain.

  Humans are inherently good, but in fact, no one is born evil. It's just that some people have good lives and get what they want, and they grew up in a honeypot, such as the male lead and the female lead. And some people have a bitter life and grew up soaked in bitter water, such as the villain. After experiencing injuries again and again, the villain embarked on the road of blackening.


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