chapter 62 mistakes

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Chapter 62

  Standing aside, Shen Xuyao could hear clearly and see clearly. So, is this a story about a scumbag who wants to turn back? I didn't expect that Zhang Liu was only seventeen years old, and he had already experienced a failed relationship. Sure enough, people in ancient times were more precocious!

  "Zhang Liu, how can you be so unfeeling? Could it be that you don't care about the friendship we grew up together?" At this point, Xia He cried aggrievedly, making it look like Zhang Liu had abandoned her generally.

  "Don't tell me about the past. I was blind at the beginning, so I fell in love with a woman like you who dislikes poverty and loves wealth. Now, don't talk about marrying you, I feel sick when I see you." Said At this moment, Zhang Liu's eyes were blood red.

  From the age of five to fifteen, he played with Xia He and went to the village chief's house to learn how to use soul pets. They were inseparable, as if they were alone. Xia He has been calling him Brother Liu by his side, and has always said that he will marry him when he grows up. But what about the result? Ten years of love can't beat the glory and wealth, can't beat the temptation of the town, the phrase "I will marry brother Liu when I grow up" is just talk!

  Thinking of all the past, Zhang Liu pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled sadly. However, tears flowed from the blood-red eyes. After all, he misjudged and loved the wrong person.

  With his eyes widened in disbelief, Xia He looked at the other party in astonishment. "What did you say?"

  "I said, I feel sick when I see you. Please get out of my house!" Pointing to the door, Zhang Liu roared hysterically.

  Looking at Zhang Liu's cold face, Xia He nodded repeatedly. "Okay, Zhang Liu, if you have the guts, don't come to me again in this life."

  "Don't worry, I never want to see you."

  "Humph!" Xia He flicked his sleeves and walked away.

  "Oh, girl, girl..." Shouting, the old couple of the Xia family immediately chased after her.

  Seeing Xia He's family of three leaving, the villagers also dispersed in twos and threes. As they walked, they talked about the two of them.

  "Oh, this Xia He, it's true. You think, if she had married Zhang Liu two years ago. As for what happened, was she divorced?"

  "Who says it's not the case? Xia He and Zhang Liu have grown up together. They are childhood sweethearts. What a perfect match!"

  "Oh, you did it yourself, who should you blame?"

  "No, it's too much to think that an ordinary person wants to marry a planter like Zhang Liu."

  "That's right, you don't even know what kind of thing you are. A broken shoe still wants to climb a high tree?"

  Seeing the villagers leaving in twos and threes, Zhang Liu looked at his father. "Dad, these three seniors are here to stay overnight. Tonight, we will sleep in the same room. Let's rent my room and my sister's room to these three seniors!"

  Hearing this, Zhang Liu's father looked at Shen Xuyao and the others. He saluted the three of them. "Please invite one of the three seniors. Xiaoliu and I will clean up your room."

  "Okay, thank you uncle." Lowering his head, Shen Xuyao immediately thanked him.

  Flying out of Shen Xuyao's sea of consciousness, Xiaoyan flew in front of Zhang Liu. "Boy, why don't you marry that woman? That woman has a baby in her belly. If you marry her, you will be happy to be a father."

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