chapter 12 such a villain

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 Chapter 12

  an hour later,

  Sitting at the kitchen table, I saw that I had changed into clean clothes, and the blood stains on my face were washed off. The villain Murong Jin walked out of his room gracefully. Shen Xuyao was stunned, Moshang was like a jade, and his son was unparalleled in the world. It should be the person in front of you, right?

  As far as the villain's appearance is concerned, if he is in modern times, he must be a big star, and he is still the kind of male god who is at the peak when he debuts. Just because of this face that is both masculine and soft, androgynous, can't act, can't sing, can be a vase and attract countless fans, attracting a large number of Yangou!

  Looking at the villain who was dressed in white, and looking at himself dressed as a farmer, Shen Xuyao felt a little ashamed.

  Walking over, Murong Jin sat on the chair opposite Shen Xuyao. He also looked Shen Xuyao up and down. The person opposite was dressed very plainly, even a bit shabby, but the mask on his face was an alchemy magic weapon. At first glance, it is something of great value. Moreover, this person is a mid-tier one, and no matter how plainly he is dressed, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an ordinary commoner.

  "Let's eat!" As he said, Shen Xuyao lowered his head and handed the chopsticks to the other party.

  "Thank you!" Taking the chopsticks from the other party, Murong Jin thanked the other party.

  "I, my cooking skills are so-so, try my cooking." As he said, Shen Xuyao picked up some monster meat for the other party and put it in the bowl.

  "Okay!" Lowering his head, the villain picked up the bowl and started to eat silently. Eating the spirit rice and monster meat in the bowl, Murong Jin couldn't help but frowned. He didn't dare to eat a piece of meat just now.

  Seeing that the other party stopped eating, Shen Xuyao couldn't help being stunned for a moment. "What's the matter, isn't it to your liking?"

  "No, it's delicious. It's just..."

  "Brother Xuyao, your rice is spirit rice, and your meat is monster meat. My master is afraid that he will not be able to pay back after eating your rice." Flying out and landing on the master's shoulder, little Lanhua said helplessly. Speaking of which, the soul pet and the master have the same mind, so the soul pet is the clearest about what the master thinks.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. "It's just a meal, how can it be so serious? You just go to a friend's house and have a meal at a friend's house."

  "No, there are some things we should clarify."

  Seeing the other party's serious appearance, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Okay, tell me."

  "What grade is the medicine you gave me? And how much is the bottle of trauma medicine you gave me just now?"

  "Oh, medicines? They are all high-grade. The trauma medicine is five hundred taels of silver a bottle." The trauma medicine was not left by the original owner's mother, but Shen Xuyao bought it. When I bought it, I specially bought three bottles of first-class and one bottle. The second-level bottle, I didn't expect it to come in handy.

  "A high-grade first-level healing potion is nine hundred taels, a top-grade second-level healing potion is nine thousand taels, plus two pieces of spirit jade is two hundred taels, and a bottle of wound medicine is five hundred taels. The total is 10,600 taels of silver, right?"

  Seeing the villain sitting in front of him to settle accounts, Shen Xuyao froze for a moment, then smiled wryly. "No, I saved you willingly. I also gave the spirit jade to Xiaolan. You don't need to pay back the money."

  Hearing what Shen Xuyao said, Murong Jin shook his head with disapproval. "No, you saved me, I am very grateful to you. But, one yard is one yard, I can't let you pay for the medicine, and, Xiaolan is my soul pet, not your soul pet, and I can't let you pay for it." I raise soul pets. My injury still needs to be recuperated for a few days, after a few days when I recover from my injury, I will find a way to earn money and return it to you. "

  "Actually, you really don't have to..."

  "No, I know you're a good person, but I can't take advantage of you. It's not easy for you." Soul pet masters are very expensive, and a piece of Lingyu will cost a hundred taels of silver. The cheapest potion of the first-level low-grade medicine costs three hundred taels of silver. Therefore, Murong Jin knew that it was not easy for anyone, and he could not take advantage of others.

  "Brother Xuyao, why don't you ask my master to be your guard to pay off your debts? My master is at the second level, and you are at the first level. He can protect you." Flying in front of Shen Xuyao, Xiaolan smiled and gave Such a proposal.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao froze for a moment, looked at Murong Jin opposite, and asked him with his eyes.

  "No, no, it's talking nonsense, it's talking nonsense." As he said that, Murong Jin hastily grabbed Xiaolan back into his hands.

  "Master, why are you so stupid? How good it is to be a guard! Food and shelter are included, and you can pay off your debts. Brother Xuyao is so good, he will agree. He..."

  "You shameless, why do you still want to stay at our house?" Flying out of Shen Xuyao's sea of consciousness, Xiaoyan cursed unhappily.

  Seeing that his Xiaoyan had turned into a blue seal, Shen Xuyao was relieved, and it was good to pretend

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