Chapter 128 The landlord is looking for trouble

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Chapter 128 The landlord is looking for trouble

  After the Wind Shadow Wolf killed a third-level soul pet master, he immediately ran over to help the little golden snake. Although the hedgehog on Murong Jin's side was difficult to attack, the owner of the hedgehog was poisoned and died first. Therefore, once the owner dies, the hedgehog also disappears.

  The three big men were bombarded by Murong Jin from the beginning, and they were all poisoned again. Therefore, Murong Jin, Feng Yinglang and Little Golden Snake killed the three of them without too much trouble.

  After killing the three, Murong Jin collected the spoils, disposed of the bodies of the three, and directly used the teleportation animal bone to return home.

  After returning home, Murong Jin first checked on the situation of Feng Yinglang and Xiao Jin, helped them deal with their injuries, and gave them healing medicine. Then he took out the space rings of the three robbers to check.

Finding that the spirit stones in the interspatial rings of the three people combined were only 30,000, Murong Jin could not help curling his lips, and said to himself: These three robbers are really poor! No wonder they want to rob!

  It seems that the next time I go to the town, I have to use the teleportation animal bone to come back, otherwise, I might encounter robbers.

  Before the retreat, my lover said that every time he went to town, he teleported there. After buying something, he went directly to the inn, rented a room in the inn, and then teleported home directly from the inn without anyone noticing.

  Murong Jin thought that would be a waste of spirit stones, so he thought about returning by flying mount, but unexpectedly encountered robbers. So, some spirit stones are really worth saving!


  A few days later, Murong Jin was practicing sword in the yard when he heard someone knocking on his protective formation outside.

  Hearing someone knocking on the formation, Murong Jin was stunned. He immediately took out the animal bag and put the Wind Shadow Wolf and the little golden snake basking in the yard into the animal bag. Then, he put away himself sword. Just now when he came to the gate of the courtyard, he activated the protective formation and opened the gate.

  Looking at the people outside the gate, Shen Xuyao couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The person who came was Aunt Li and Aunt Li's daughter, the landlord of this house.

  Seeing Murong Jin who opened the door, Aunt Li was taken aback for a moment. When she was renting the house, she rented it to a young couple, but the man on the street in front of her was not the man who rented the house.

  "Who are you? Where is Li An?"

  "Oh, I'm Li An's younger brother. My brother and my sister-in-law have gone out for training. What can you do with my brother?"

  Hearing this, Aunt Li rolled her eyes. "Oh, you are Li An's younger brother! I am Aunt Li, the landlord of this house. This is my daughter Li Zhenzhu."

  "Aunt Li, fellow Daoist Li." Lowering his head, Murong Jin greeted him. Let the two people into the yard.

  "Senior, you're welcome!" Lowering her head, Li Zhenzhu hastily returned the salute. She could tell that the other party was a third-level soul pet master, and she only had a second-level soul pet master, so she couldn't afford to be called her fellow Taoist.

  Standing in the yard, Aunt Li looked around. He turned to look at Murong Jin. "When will your brother come back?"

  "Well, it's hard to say. However, my brother and my sister-in-law said when they left that the rent for this house has been paid for three years, and there is still half a year left before the rent is due. They said that if they don't come back, let I'll help them pay another year's rent." This house was rented by Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin together, so Murong Jin knew all these things.

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