Chapter 48 I Don't Mind

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Chapter 48 I Don't Mind

  After dinner, Murong Jin went back to his room to practice. There are only Shen Xuyao and Kane in the living room. The two sat together and chatted.

  "I said, master, it's a long night, you are not lonely sleeping alone? Why don't you let Murong go to accompany you?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao glanced at Kane who was drinking tea beside him. "not the right time yet."

  Received such an answer, Kane smiled. "I can't tell, you are quite conservative. Do you really plan to endure it until you get married?"

  Looking up at Kane, Shen Xuyao picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of the tea in the bowl. "He has followed me now, and all I can give him is a life of wandering and hiding."

  Hearing this, Kane couldn't help being a little surprised. "But, since he's not married to you, isn't he still living this kind of life?"

  "Yes, his life is not good now. But he can go back on his word and leave without getting married." If Murong becomes his person, he will never let her go. Therefore, there is a difference between a fiancée and a partner after all.

  Hearing this, Kane smiled. "Are you giving him a chance to betray you?"

  "Not to mention betrayal, people are selfish. If there is a better choice than me, if someone can love him more than me and give him a better life, I don't mind him looking for his happiness." said At this point, Shen Xuyao sighed softly.

  The villain's life is too miserable. If possible, Shen Xuyao hopes that his beloved can be happy, even if the happiness is not given by him personally. But, as long as he is happy and happy.

  Looking at the man's melancholy look, Kane shook his head helplessly. "Why do you love so hard and think so much? Once you love, you love. As long as we are together, it will be fine."

  "No, I want to give him the best of everything." Murong had too little, so Shen Xuyao hoped that he could give him the best of everything. Can let him live happily and happily.

  "You, how old are you? You are only sixteen years old, why do you want to live like a sixty or seventy-year-old old man? Even loving someone is so calm and restrained, no Tired?"

  "Living is a very tiring thing." Yes, he didn't love passionately enough, he loved very carefully and repressedly. That's because he was not a sixteen-year-old boy. He was twenty-eight when he died in a car accident. Three years after traveling through time, his mental age was already thirty-one.

  Thirty-one-year-old Shen Xuyao wants to face this relationship more calmly. That's because he didn't want Murong Jin to be hurt in any way in this relationship. Because he knew that the villain had suffered too much damage. Therefore, as a lover, he cannot cause any harm to the other party.

  Kane twitched the corners of his mouth in the face of the young, seasoned and old-fashioned Shen Xuyao. "You really are a little old man!"

  "I..." Shen Xuyao was about to say something when he saw Murong Jin walking in from outside the door. Looking at the other person's red eyes, Shen Xuyao was startled. What he wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and his voice came out suddenly. end.

  "Have you finished practicing? Come and drink tea. I just made a pot of tea." After saying that, Shen Xuyao lowered his head and took the teapot and teacup, and poured Murong Jin a cup of tea.

  Running to Shen Xuyao's side, Murong Jin hugged Shen Xuyao tightly from behind. "I won't go, I won't leave you, I will stay by your side forever. I don't mind living a hard life with you, I don't mind. I don't mind anything."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao's hand holding the teapot felt a little stiff.

  "The two of us are chatting here. It's weird that he can practice. Okay, I'm leaving. You two can chat slowly!" With that, Kane stood up with a smile and left.

  Having lived together for more than a year, how could Kane not understand Murong Jin's thoughts. Every time, if she was alone with Shen Xuyao, Murong Jin would either secretly watch from the sidelines, or send a little poisonous flower to watch over, for fear that she would poach a corner of the wall!

  Seeing Kane leaving, Shen Xuyao put down the teapot in his hand, raised his hand and patted the hand holding his shoulder. "do not do that."

  "Xu Yao, I won't regret it, and I won't leave you, never."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao sighed leisurely. He pulled Murong Jin's arm away, put his arm around the other person's waist, and held him in his arms.

  Sitting on the man's lap, Murong Jin looked into the man's eyes. "Xu Yao!"

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