Chapter 129 Lijiatun

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Chapter 129 Lijiatun

  Looking at Li Zhenzhu who was speaking, Murong Jin nodded. "If your family is in trouble, it is not impossible to give you rent in advance, but you have raised the rent from 8,000 Lingshi a year to 80,000 Lingshi a year, don't you think I am a fool? Rent a house that is three times bigger than your house, but only 20,000 spirit stones, do you think your house is worth 80,000 spirit stones?"

  Hearing this, Li Zhuzhu was very embarrassed. "It's not that my mother and I want to raise your rent. It's my brother who said that you are rich. You bought a lot of monster meat, vegetables and Lingmi. Let, let my mother ask for more rent."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin sneered. "Whether I have Lingshi or not is my business. Your house is not worth 80,000 yuan, so I won't continue to rent it."


  Glancing at Aunt Li and Li Zhenzhu, Murong Jin raised his hand and threw out the Sky-Up Sword. Twenty-four Sky-Up Swords surrounded the city in a circle, trapping the four strong men on the ground in the sword array.

  "Aunt Li, Li Zhenzhu, I will give you one hour. If you have no money, you can borrow it! After an hour, give me four thousand spirit stones, and I will leave. If, after an hour, I can't see the spirit stone Shi, then these four people will die." At the end, Murong Jin's face was extremely cold.

  Hearing this, Aunt Li staggered and almost fell, but fortunately she was supported by Li Zhenzhu so that she did not fall. "You want to kill my son?"

  Looking at Aunt Li with an unbelievable expression, Murong Jin sneered. "He came to trouble me first, shouldn't I kill him?"


  "What are you doing standing there, not looking for the spirit stone? Do you want your son to die?"

  Hearing this, Aunt Li looked at her son Li Dazhuang. "Big strong!"

  "Mom!" Li Dazhuang got up from the ground and wanted to leave, but was struck on the shoulder by a white sword light from the sword formation.

  "Da Zhuang!" The blood marks on her son's shoulder made Aunt Li cry out.

  Turning his head, Li Dazhuang looked at Murong Jin. "What kind of formation are you doing?"

  "A formation that can kill you. It's fine if you stand still. If you move, I really don't know if you can live in it for an hour." Having said that, Murong Jin sneered. His Qingtian Sword is an ancient growth magic weapon. The power of the sword formation is much higher than that of the general third-level formation. These people are commoner soul pet masters. , Therefore, it is actually not easy for them to live in the formation for an hour.

  "you you……"

  Looking at Li Dazhuang who was gritting his teeth. Murong Jin sneered. "Before you came to me, you should have thought that you might not be able to defeat me and fall into my hands. You haven't thought about it, have you?"


"Aunt Li, why don't you borrow spirit stones? Do you want your son to die faster?"

  "Okay, don't kill him, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!" After finishing speaking, Aunt Li turned around and ran away.

  "Mom!" Following Aunt Li, Li Zhuzhu also left immediately.

  Seeing the Li family's mother and daughter leaving, Murong Jin turned and went back to the yard. Start packing things at home. The furniture belonged to the landlord's house, and Murong Jin didn't move it. He just took their bedding and luggage, as well as the diluted spiritual water in the water tank. All other things are in the space ring, and there is no need to clean them up.

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