Chapter 66 Murong Jin's Fear

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Chapter 66 Murong Jin’s Fear

  After taking a look at the remaining two people, Shen Xuyao looked at Kane. "The old guy is yours."

  "Okay, we made him run away last time, but this time it's not that easy." With that said, Kane showed off his magic wand.

  Seeing Kane moving, the old man looked at Wang Yunzhan. After receiving Wang Yunzhan's signal, he rushed over and fought with Kane.

  His eyes fell on Shen Xuyao again, and Wang Yunzhan snorted coldly. "I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have this ability. Where did you take my guards?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao sneered. "Don't think too much about other people's things. You don't deserve it."

  "Little bastard, I don't know what means you used to confuse Xiaojin. But what I want to tell you is, get out of here right away, otherwise, I will let you die without a burial place."

  Shen Xuyao was not afraid at all when being threatened by the other party. He just smiled coldly. "Wang Yunzhan, I originally planned to wait until I reached the third level before killing you, but I didn't expect that you showed up today. So don't blame me." As he said that, Shen Xuyao directly released his Shadow Wolf.

  "Hmph, you little beast, you dare to utter such arrogant words. Are you worthy of killing me?" As he spoke, a palm-sized pen appeared above Wang Yunzhan's head, and the pen touched the clothes on his chest. The black tiger, which originally had no eyes, got eyes. He immediately came to life, broke free from Wang Yunzhan's robe, and rushed towards Shen Xuyao.


  The Fengying Wolf jumped up, stood in front of Shen Xuyao, and bit the tiger.

  Looking at Feng Yinglang, Wang Yunzhan snorted disdainfully. "I thought you were very capable, but you just raised a third-level beast."

  "Really?" With a smile on his lips, Shen Xuyao suddenly raised his hand, and a ray of white light hit Wang Yunzhan.

  "Little bastard, you still want to sneak attack me, you..."

  Before Wang Yunzhan finished speaking, his body swayed and blood spurted out of his mouth. Lowering his head, he looked at the bloody hole in his chest in disbelief. "you you……"

  "Bang!" Wang Yunzhan's body fell straight to the ground.

  Until he died, what Wang Yunzhan was thinking was, how is it possible, my protective mask is level three, how could a second level soul pet master kill me, how could it be possible?

  The mask was shattered all over the floor. Shen Xuyao looked at Wang Yunzhan, who was still dead, with the four big characters "unbelievable" written on his face, with contempt on his face. "Idiot, killing is about method, not strength."

  Turning his head, Murong Jin looked at his lover next to him. Wang Yunzhan didn't see his lover's movements clearly, but Murong Jin could see clearly. Xu Yao was using a soul ring, and it was City Lord Jiang with a fourth-level soul ring. No matter how powerful Wang Yunzhan is, he is only a third-level soul pet master. Naturally, he cannot withstand the attack of a fourth-level soul pet master. Therefore, Wang Yunzhan was killed by Xu Yao with one move.

  "Go ahead and get the loot back, search for souls on the way, and take a closer look. What exactly does he think of you?"

  "Okay!" Nodding, Murong Jin walked over.

  Shen Xuyao and Feng Shadow Wolf immediately went over to help Kane deal with the old guy. With the addition of the Shadow of the Wind Wolf, Kane's pressure was greatly reduced.

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