Chapter 30 Get Tianyuan Fruit

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The reason why the Shadow of the Wind Wolf is called the Shadow of the Wind Wolf is because its speed is very fast. Although Xiaofeng is not yet an adult, the innate speed of the Shadow of the Wind Wolf and its bloodline of high-level monsters are all there, and its current strength in the late stage of the second level is also higher than that of the tiger A small realm. Therefore, Xiaofeng became the main force. Jumping up and down, it broke a pair of wings of the double-winged tiger within a few times.

  The wings were torn off, and the two-winged tiger screamed in pain. It was already poisoned, but now its wings were broken, which made the injury worse. Also greatly reduced.

  Murong Jin has a set of twelve second-level magic swords in his hand, which were given to him by Xu Yao. These twelve swords can be separated to form a formation, and together they are an indestructible second-level high-quality alchemy sword. magic weapon. Murong Jin used it very smoothly.

  In Murong Jin's hands, the dharma sword is like a silver snake, attacking the eyes, neck, and other vulnerable parts of the double-winged tiger cunningly. The two-winged tiger had to dodge the attack of the Wind Shadow Wolf and at the same time dodge Murong Jin's sword.

  Xiao Hei's strength at the beginning of the second level is the weakest among the three beasts. However, it has a sneak attack, smashes everywhere, and its snake venom makes it impossible for the two-winged tiger to defend against.

  The two-winged tiger was poisoned first, and it was already at the end of its strength, how could it withstand the onslaught of one man and two beasts. Not long after, he was defeated and was beheaded by Murong Jin's sword.

  Seeing that the two-winged tiger was dead, Shen Xuyao immediately walked over to check the situation of Murong Jin, Xiao Hei and Xiao Feng. Murong Jin and Xiaofeng were not injured, only Xiao Hei was injured and was scratched by the tiger twice. Shen Xuyao hurriedly took out the medicinal powder to bandage Xiao Hei.

  After treating Xiao Hei's injury, Shen Xuyao looked at Murong Jin. "Murong, take the body of the double-winged tiger and go to the river to dispose of it. I'll look in the forest to see if there are any fruits and medicinal materials."

  Murong Jin was not surprised to hear Shen Xuyao's words. The two came out to hunt monsters, and every time he handled the prey, Xu Yao looked for other things. Xu Yao knew a lot of medicinal materials, and he could always find good things that he couldn't find. Therefore, he also acquiesced in this way of work distribution.

  "Okay, be careful yourself." Nodding, Murong Jin put away the corpses of the two-winged tiger and the black bear and left. This is the territory of the second-level monsters, and Murong Jin is not worried that other monsters will run over and hurt Xu Yao.

Seeing Murong Jin leave, Shen Xuyao turned his head and walked towards the depths of the ginkgo forest. Following the guidance of the original book, Shen Xuyao walked through the ginkgo forest and found the den of the two-winged tiger. That's a big cave. And outside the cave, a ten-meter-high fruit tree stands majestically. The fruits on the tree are all green, and the fruit is only the size of an egg.

  After careful inspection under the tree, it was confirmed that it was the Tianyuan fruit, and Shen Xuyao just pressed his hand on the fruit tree. He directly took the Tianyuan fruit tree into his ring space.

  Flying out of Shen Xuyao's head, Xiaoyan looked at the deep hole in the ground and couldn't help but be speechless. "That's right. We were so lucky that we found the Tianyuan fruit. With the Tianyuan fruit and the soul stone, it's not a big problem to advance to the second level."

  "Stop talking nonsense, work." With that said, Shen Xuyao took out the pannier. There are second-level monsters living in this place, so besides Tianyuan fruit, there must be other good things.

  "Lingbao, Lingbao, come out quickly and put it in my back basket!"

  With Shen Xuyao's nagging, a blue light appeared on Xiaoyan's body. Covering the entire ginkgo forest. After a while, Shen Xuyao's pannier was full.

  Looking at the first-class and second-class medicinal materials, spiritual fruits, more than a dozen emerald fairy mushrooms, and many golden cloud mushrooms with strong aura in the back basket, Shen Xuyao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Not bad, it really is a lot of harvest!

  Putting all the good things in the basket into his space ring, Shen Xuyao put away the basket, walked out of the ginkgo forest and waited for a long time, but Murong Jin did not come back. This made Shen Xuyao frowned involuntarily, and searched for the river. I thought to myself: Usually at this time, Murong should have come back long ago. Why did he go so long today? Could something have happened?

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