Chapter 137 What I saw in Tacheng

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Chapter 137 What I saw in Tacheng

  Ten years later, Tacheng.

  After ten years, both Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin have advanced to the third level. The difference is that Shen Xuyao has just advanced. Murong Jin has been promoted for five years, and his strength has become stable.

  Tacheng is the most luxurious city in the Card Master Continent. The houses here, whether they are inns, restaurants, businesses, or residential buildings, are all tower-shaped. Moreover, all the houses here are not houses, but magical artifacts, the kind of alchemy artifacts that can be taken away at any time.

  Shen Xuyao took his daughter-in-law to wander around this bustling city for three days, and spent a lot of spirit stones to live in the best inn in the city, and lived on the top floor, the eightieth floor.

  Standing in front of the window and opening the window, you can overlook the entire tower city.

  Shen Xuyao held Murong Jin's hand, and the couple stood in front of the window and looked at the scenery.

  "Look over there, that's the most iconic building in Tacheng - the Card Tower." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao pointed to the tower in the east.

  That tower is a landmark building in Tacheng, ninety-nine stories high, and a purple gold card is inlaid on the top of the tower. The card is very large, more than three meters high and one meter wide. The front of the card has a portrait of a card artist, and the back has a golden pattern, which is very beautifully made.

  "I heard from the soul pet master in the city that as long as you reach the 99th floor, you can contract this card tower!"

  "Yes, but Xiaoyan said that to reach the top, you must be a level nine card master. It is impossible for ordinary people to do it." Shen Xuyao asked Xiaoyan about this.

  After receiving such an answer, Murong Jin was stunned for a moment. "Only level 9 card masters can do it! Is it any wonder that you haven't been contracted yet?"

  "How can it be so easy? If this tower is taken away by contract, then this place will not be a tower city anymore."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. "That's true."

  "Do you like it here?"

  Hearing his lover's question, Murong Jin looked at him. "It's okay! The aura in the big city is stronger. It is indeed much stronger than the small town. However, the two of us are wanted criminals. Let's leave after staying for two days. Don't stay here, it's not safe."

  "Alright, listen to you, let's go after staying for a few days, and go to practice, how about it?"

  "Okay!" Nodding, Murong Jin agreed with a smile.

  Looking at his daughter-in-law, Shen Xuyao smiled, and kissed her on the forehead.

  Startled by the kiss, Murong Jin hastily reached out and closed the window.

  Seeing his wife's actions, Shen Xuyao smiled. "What are you afraid of? There are protective formations in the room. Even if the windows are open, others can't hear what we say or see what we do."

  "That, that's awkward."

  "You!" Shaking his head helplessly, Shen Xuyao held his lover's hand and sat on the chair together.

  "Xu Yao, I know you are afraid that I will be bored, so you often take me to various interesting places. However, the two of us are wanted criminals. I always feel uneasy living in a place like a big city. Otherwise, we Let's go tomorrow!" There are seventh-level soul pet masters in this city, thinking about it, Murong Jin is worried. And what's even worse is that the room rates here are very expensive.

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