Chapter 168 The heroine pretends to be sick

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Chapter 168

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's words, the faces of the four young masters changed. As third-level pharmacists, they naturally knew what pure yin potion was, but they never dreamed that the dream of being pure and spotless in their minds The lover Jiang Shanshan actually takes this medicine.

  "I am not the only doctor in Hongye Town. If the four of you can't trust me, you can take her to another doctor for treatment. Besides, your time has come." Said, Shen Xuyao pointed to the hourglass on the table.

  Hearing this, the four of them looked at the hourglass on the table and looked at each other.

  Turning his head, Xiao Feng asked his younger brother Xiao Zhe. "Old Seven, what do you think?"

  Hearing this, the Wu brothers also looked at Xiao Zhe. The four of them always followed Xiao Zhe's lead.

  "Don't touch Shanshan, let Divine Doctor Jiang examine her. Divine Doctor Jiang's medical skills are definitely the best in Hongye Town." If Jiang Yuan didn't have two brushes, he wouldn't be known as a miracle doctor. Moreover, none of the people who have consulted him did not give a thumbs up.

  Hearing what Xiao Zhe said, the other three nodded, acquiescing to what he said. Agreed with him.

  Looking at the four people, seeing that the four of them acquiesced to let him see a doctor, Shen Xuyao stepped forward, reached out and pulled the heroine's arm to feel the pulse. "Oh, it's not a big problem. It's not pregnancy, but the intercourse has been too frequent recently. Take it easy, you four!"

  When Shen Xuyao looked over, the four of them looked confused.

  "Hey, what kind of eyes do you have? I haven't touched her before." Wu Tian immediately defended with widened eyes.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Oh, it's not you this month? Who is that? It's a long flow, take it easy!"

  "No, what do you mean? What do you mean it's not me this month? I said I never touched her. Never!"

  Looking at Wu Tian who was anxiously explaining, Shen Xuyao nodded seriously. "Oh, the eighth master hasn't been ranked yet? Then be gentle next month!"

  "You, what are you talking about, I..."

  "Bag, stop talking." Wu Yue reached out and grabbed his brother. My heart said: Don't explain it. The more you explain it, the more unclear it becomes!

  "Um, Divine Doctor Jiang, is there any way to cure Shanshan's situation?"

  Hearing Xiao Zhe's question, Shen Xuyao nodded. "There is a way. I will give her acupuncture and she will wake up immediately." With that said, Shen Xuyao took out ten steel needles. However, this steel needle is not a steel needle used for acupuncture, this is a magic weapon he made.

  Seeing the steel needle, Xu Hong was a little dizzy. "Such a thick needle?" Jiang Yuan, a scum, is really ruthless!

  "Well, her condition is more serious. It's hard to use a thin one, so you have to use a thick one." After saying that, Shen Xuyao took an empty cup, took out a medicine and poured it into the cup, and then put it on the needle. After applying the potion, he pulled the heroine's arm and stabbed it with one needle. Then, the second and third needles were inserted in turn.

  Shen Xuyao is not a doctor, but the Lingyan Stone is omniscient and omnipotent, so the ten needles Shen Xuyao inserted are all acupuncture points on the human body, and they are the most painful acupuncture points.

  "How long does it take for this needle to be inserted before Shanshan wakes up?"

  Hearing Xiao Feng's question, Shen Xuyao smiled. "You can wake up with a cup of tea. If you can't wake up, I still have a secret recipe. I guarantee that the medicine will cure her illness."

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