Chapter 104 Lu's Trading Company

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Chapter 104 Lu’s Trading Company

  One month later,

  During dinner, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin mentioned the matter of retreat. "Murong, I earned 140,000 spiritual stones from selling potions this month. I'll give you 100,000, as well as the gold crystals. You can take them and go into seclusion in space!"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin couldn't help but frowned. "Didn't we agree before that the gold crystal stone was reserved for you to advance to the next level? Why did you give it to me again? Also, how could you give me all the spiritual stones you worked so hard to refine potions every day? ?”

  Murong Jin is not a fool, it is true that this month Xu Yao earned 140,800 spirit stones by buying potions. However, if you want to refine medicine, Xu Yao buys second-level medicinal materials. Which one of the spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables, and monster meat you eat at home does not require spiritual stones? After removing these expenses, Xu Yao only had the hundred thousand spirit stones left on his body. After giving it to him, Xu Yao would have at most a few hundred spiritual stones left on him.

  "Murong, listen to me. We are not familiar with the place here. It is very important to improve your strength. Moreover, you have been promoted to the early stage of level three for three years, and your strength is also very stable. It is most suitable for you to retreat to the middle stage of level three at this time. But. I can’t do it. My strength is not very stable yet. I need to settle it down a bit. As for the spirit stones, won’t I be able to earn them back if I sell potions next month?”

  After hearing this, Murong Jin still didn't look very good. "What about the gold crystal? I used it. What will you do when you advance?"

  Staring at his dissatisfied lover, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Don't worry, this is not the continent of soul pet masters, this is the continent of card masters. The spiritual treasures that third-level soul pet masters want can be bought with spiritual stones. They can be bought in big trading houses. There is no need to go to auctions. meeting."

  "Really?" Murong Jin was dubious about this.

  "This is the truth. I saw it before. The third floor of the Huo Family Trading Company is full of spiritual treasures. There are all kinds of pearl powder, shell powder, thousand-year stone milk, century-old stone milk, soul stone, soul stone, etc. , there are also all kinds of spiritual dew, all kinds of delicious food, everything you want." At this point, Xiaoyan took a sip of saliva.

  Hearing this, Xiaolan also flew out of Murong Jin's sea of consciousness and stood on the table. "Is there so much delicious food? Why didn't I see it?"

  "You? Can you compare with me? I can see things on the third floor on the second floor through the roof of the second floor, can you?"

  Hearing this, Xiaolan shook her head helplessly. "I can not."

  "That's it!"

  "Are all the treasures being sold? Won't they be robbed?" Murong Jin was also surprised by this.

  "No, those who dare to sell these spiritual treasures are all big trading houses. The shopkeepers in big trading houses are all fifth-level soul pet masters, and generally there will be people who specialize in guarding them. Moreover, those who can open big trading houses are big trading houses. Power. Take Fengsha Town for example. There are three big trading houses in Fengsha Town. One is Zhang's Trading Company, which is the shop of the town owner's family. The other is Lu's Trading Company, which is the shop of the town owner's wife's brother's family, and One is the Huo Family Trading Company. This is a chain store, and there are also seventh-level city lords and many sixth-level town lords sitting behind it. Therefore, no one dares to rob the trading house." After a month here, Shen Xuyao has already figured out the situation in the town. It's crystal clear.

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