Chapter 149 Shen Xuyao wins

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Chapter 149 Shen Xuyao wins

  Three days later, in the main hall of the town lord's mansion.

  Shen Xuyao first took the pulse of his three patients one by one to make sure that their conditions had not changed. Then, he took out three medicines and gave them to them.

Staring at the purple potion that the three of them were taking, Yaoshi Liu couldn't help squinting his eyes. In fact, in the past three days, he had been secretly monitoring Xu Hong's every move, because he knew that all the medicinal materials Shen Xuyao needed were supplied by Xu Hong. Therefore, the person who bought the medicinal materials must be Xu Hong. However, what depressed Yaoshi Liu was that Xu Hong purchased more than one hundred kinds of medicinal materials in the past three days. Transferred half of the medicinal materials from the three trading houses.

  Pharmacist Liu knew that this was Xu Hong's attempt to spread suspicion and deliberately removed a large amount of medicinal materials so that he could not distinguish the prescription. It has to be said that this Xu Hong is as cunning as his father. Sure enough, the same kind of son is the same kind of father!

  After Shen Xuyao's three patients took the medicine, Shen Xuyao asked the three of them to sit aside and rest.

  The three patients on Lu Cheng's side also took medicine. Pharmacist Liu has studied this disease for many years and has some experience of his own. Therefore, the medicine refined by Lu Cheng can relieve the pain of this patient to a great extent. But, cure is impossible. In fact, this time I came here to test Jiang Yuan, so Lu Cheng's side was just a show.

  "Nephew Jiang, how long will it take for your potion to take effect?"

  Hearing Liu Yaoshi's question, Shen Xuyao smiled. "One hour, of course. If Senior Liu is in a hurry, you can get some spiritual stones for the three of them and let them absorb them. In this way, they can recover faster."

  "Oh, that's it!" Dr. Liu nodded and glanced at Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun immediately walked over and placed three hundred spiritual stones beside the three of them.

  Not long after being put down, I saw that the spiritual stones began to slowly lose their luster and turned into fly ash. The three doctors were shocked.

  "Can their three soul pets absorb spiritual power?"

  "Yes, can they actually absorb spiritual energy? Does that mean they are already cured?"

  "This is indeed a sign of improvement!"

  Hearing what the three doctors said, Yaoshi Liu was secretly happy. It seems that Jiang Yuan really has some abilities.

  About half an hour later, all the three hundred spirit stones beside the three people were absorbed, and the three people slowly opened their eyes.

  Walking over, Shen Xuyao took the pulse of the three of them one by one, and nodded with satisfaction. "Well, it's pretty good!" Turning around, Shen Xuyao looked at his challenger, Lu Cheng. "Lu Daoyou, my patient has been cured. What about you?"

  Hearing this, Lu Cheng snorted coldly. "You said it was cured, so what evidence do you have?"

  "Two of my three patients can summon soul pets." As he spoke, Shen Xuyao pointed to the two who were slightly injured. "You two, release your soul pet."

  Hearing this, the two nodded immediately. Tried it. Two card elves were released.



  Seeing their soul pet, the two soul pet masters hugged their soul pet and ran to tears on the spot. They hadn't seen their soul pet for several years. Because they couldn't summon their soul pets, they were already labeled as trash. However, even so, there is nothing they can do. They are commoner soul pet masters, and without spirit stones, they can ask powerful doctors and pharmacists to heal them. Until they met Liu Yaoshi.

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