Chapter 91 Crystal Chessboard

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Chapter 91 Crystal Chessboard

  Hearing that there was an ancient growth magic weapon, the other soul pet masters immediately stood up and looked towards this side. However, the Meilis family are all third-level soul pet masters, plus Murong Jin, a third-level poison refiner. Others did not dare to approach here.

  "Enxi, you come for the second game!" After thinking about it, Qiao Xi looked at his cousin.

  "I, my chess skills are not as good as Seventh Brother, I will lose."

  "It's just for you to lose chess."

  Hearing this, Enxi looked aggrieved. "But if I lose, I will be beaten. I'm afraid of the pain!"

  Looking at her sister, Josie felt helpless. "Then do you want to leave here?"

  "This, this..."

  Looking at his troubled daughter, Josie's third uncle walked out. "Let me do it. My chess skills are not much better than theirs. Whoever loses is not a loser?"

  "Uncle Third, we are young, you..."

  "Bullshit, am I very old?" The third uncle glared, looking unhappy.

  "No, no, I mean, are you afraid of getting hurt?" Josie wanted to say that it's okay for them to fight a few times when they are young, and there is no need for the elders to bear this.

  "Qiao Xi, let your third uncle do it. Your third uncle is stronger than Enxi and can withstand a beating. It will be fine after a beating."

  Hearing this, Qiao Xi looked at his father and then turned to Murong Jin. "Murong, what do you think?"

  "Anyone can do it. This is the second game. I can win even if I win. Isn't it best of three in five games? It must be five games." After thinking about it, Murong Jin said this.

  "Okay, let's bring the third uncle!" As he said that, Qiao Xi looked at his third uncle.

  "Yes!" Nodding, the third uncle walked over and sat opposite Murong Jin.

  "The chess players have arrived, and the chess master is ready to fight."

  After hearing the puppet's words, Murong Jin looked at him and started to pack up the chess pieces on the chessboard.

  Not long after, Murong Jin and the third uncle put away the chess pieces and started the second game.

  Murong Jin didn't know that Qiao Xi's third uncle was really bad at chess. Or, in order to deliberately lose to him, anyway, the opponent lost quickly, even faster than Jersey lost in the first game.

  Looking at the box in his hand, Murong Jin raised his eyebrows, opened it and saw a pair of jade pendants. And it's a pair of blood-red jade pendants.

  Coming closer, Kane took a look. I found a pair of jade pendants. Kane smiled. "This is good, one for you and Xu Yao."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin smiled. "Well, this one is good." Then, he closed the wooden box in his hand and put away the jade pendant.

  Third Master Melis was mercilessly hammered to the ground by the puppet. He made a dull sound and stood up with the help of his two brothers. "It does hurt."

  "No, I got internal injuries from the smash, and I don't know what that guy's hammer is made of. If I knew that I would be beaten if I lost, I would think of a way to win." Speaking of this, Jersey was very wronged, alas , Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier! However, given his poor chess skills, it might not be easy to defeat Murong Jin.

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