Chapter 64 The Jiang Family

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Chapter 64 The Jiang Family

  Half a month later, at night.

  It was another night when they couldn't find a place to stay in the village. Shen Xuyao and the three of them set up a tent in an open space outside a forest. Because of his previous experience of being chased by Wang Yunzhan, Shen Xuyao set up a protective formation outside the tent. Murong Jin also placed some poison beads outside the formation. If someone attacks the formation, those poison beads will break and the poisonous gas in the beads will fly all over the sky.

  In the middle of the night, Shen Xuyao had just finished refining two potions when Murong Jin hurried to his side.

  Looking at his anxious lover, Shen Xuyao raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

  "Xu Yao, there are fourteen people fighting outside!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao was stunned. Then he frowned. He said in his heart: It really doesn't stop. The last time I lived on a barren mountain, I was attacked by people sent by Wang Yunzhan. As a result, I ran to other towns overnight and didn't sleep all night. Why did this happen again?

  "Let's go out and take a look!" Knowing that they couldn't escape, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin had no choice but to walk out of the tent together.

  When Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin came out, Kane had already stood outside the tent and watched for a long time.

  "Why did you come here, come and see, the fight is so lively!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao came over. I saw two groups of people outside, one was wearing white gowns, the other was wearing all kinds of colors. Seeing the looks of those white-robed men clearly, Shen Xuyao's expression changed.

  "What's the matter?" Sensing that his lover's expression was not right, Murong Jin was a little puzzled.

  "The eight people in white robes are from the Jiang family. The two leading people are the third uncle and the sixth uncle, and the other six people are also my cousins. They are all from the Jiang family." To be honest, Shen Xuyao I don't have a good impression of the Jiang family.

  If at the time when the original owner was tied to Xingtai to whip a whip, if someone had stood up to intercede for him, perhaps the original owner would not have died. But it is a pity that there is not one, a soul pet teacher at the beginning of the first level, a thirteen-year-old boy who is as weak as ordinary people, just because of the framed by the heroine, and because of the disregard of the Jiang family, he was beaten alive like that died. Thinking of the tragic and short life of the original owner, Shen Xuyao couldn't help sighing.

  "Is he a relative of yours? Do you need help?"

  Hearing Kane's question, Shen Xuyao snorted coldly. "It's best if they die." A joke, what does the life and death of a group of strangers have to do with him? At first, they could stand on the sidelines and watch Jiang Yuan being beaten to death. So now, he, Shen Xuyao, doesn't care about these people's lives.

  Hearing this, Kane glanced at Shen Xuyao. He nodded understandingly and didn't ask any more questions.

  "Xu Yao, don't you think it's strange? Logically speaking, Jiang's family is in the south. We've been walking to the west of the mainland, which is far away from Jiang's Tianhua City. But why did your uncle and the others appear in What about here? Isn't this strange? Could it be that they found your whereabouts?" Thinking of this, Murong Jin immediately became nervous.

  After glancing at his wife, Shen Xuyao took her hand. Comfortingly said: "You think too much, they didn't come here for me, they will come here, nine times out of ten it should be for the teleportation stone to go to the secret place of the ancient mountain."

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