chapter 127 encountered robbery

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Chapter 127

  The next day, after breakfast.

  Shen Xuyao took out three boxes, opened them one by one, and placed them in front of Murong Jin.

  "In this box are a thousand body-refining potions, all refined for you. In the second box are potions for stabilizing strength, including yours and Xiaolan's. There are also some third-level healing potions for recovery. Potions for spiritual power are all commonly used potions. In the third box are alchemy tools. I have refined sixty kilograms of protective magic tools for you, forty explosive balls, and thirty magic scrolls. Protection methods You have to wear twenty pieces when you go out, you know?"

  Murong Jin felt warm in her heart when she saw the contents of the three big boxes. He knew that these things were carefully prepared for him by his man. It's all about Xu Yao's love for him. "good!"

  "Oh, by the way, there are also spirit stones. This is one million spirit stones. Take it."

  Looking down at the spirit stone given by the man, Murong Jin shook his head. "No need Xu Yao, I still have 350,000 spiritual stones in my hand."

  "Take it, Xiaofeng and Xiaojin have added blood food now, and drink animal blood once every ten days. Your three hundred and fifty thousand is not enough."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin frowned. "Beast blood? Are you adding another meal?"

  "It won't work without a meal. Xiaofeng has just advanced to the third level peak, so it's time to have a meal. Besides, Xiaojin's bloodline is not high. It will be good for it to add some animal blood."

  "Oh, I know!" Nodding, Murong Jin took the spirit stone given by his lover.

  "In a moment, I will ask Xiaoyan to change your appearance for you. However, Xiaoyan can only last for one year if you change your appearance once. I have prepared ten disguise potions for you here. After drinking one potion, you can change your face for three months. "With that said, Shen Xuyao took out the potion and gave it to Murong Jin.

  "Okay!" Nodding, Murong Jin took the potion from his lover's hand.

  "Think about it, is there anything else you need that I haven't prepared for you?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin smiled. "No more, you are well prepared, everything I thought of, you are ready for everything I didn't expect, so you can rest assured to retreat!"

  "No, there are more. You take these nine fourth-level spirit rings!" With that said, Shen Xuyao gave all the spirit rings to his lover.

  "Okay!" Murong Jin nodded and took the soul ring. "You have arranged my affairs properly, but what about you? What about your affairs? Is your promoted spirit treasure ready? Let me take a look."

  "Everything is ready." As he said that, Shen Xuyao took out the things he had prepared for Murong Jin to check. "Look, I have prepared two hundred kilograms of soul stones and three bottles of moonlight dew. There are also two hundred potions to assist in advancement."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was taken aback for a moment. "Why didn't you prepare stone milk?"

  "Xiaoyan said he was tired of drinking and wanted to drink gel, so he bought gel for him." Shen Xuyao had no choice about this.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded. He turned to look at Xiaoyan. "Xiaoyan, can you give me some recipes for brewing third-level spiritual wine?"

  Hearing this, Xiaoyan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Brewing wine? You are a poison master, why do you need a recipe for brewing wine?"

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