Chapter 36 Three-tailed Golden Retriever Lion

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Chapter 36 Three-tailed Golden Retriever Lion

  After the meal, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin left home together.

  Just as Shen Xuyao expected. There are really a lot of monsters in Beishan. When two people went to the periphery, they encountered several first-level monsters. Simply, both of them are second-level soul pet masters, and it is no problem to deal with first-level monsters.

  Shen Xuyao moved towards the east side of Beishan according to the guidance of the original book. The closer he got to the target area, the fewer monsters he encountered. This shows that there are second-level monsters nearby. In the original book, there is a three-tailed golden lion at the peak of the second level.


  Hearing the cry of the three-tailed golden lion, Shen Xuyao stopped in his tracks, and couldn't help clenching the silver gun in his hand.

  Walking in front of Shen Xuyao, Feng Yinglang also stopped, arched his body, and looked at everything around him warily. Feng Yinglang is now at the second level of peak strength, and will be an adult in another year. The strength of an adult Shadow of the Wind Wolf can reach level three. Following Shen Xuyao's side for two years, the Fengying Wolf ate delicious food, and the whole wolf gained weight several times. Now, it has grown up a lot compared to two years ago. Not a little one anymore.

  Seeing the three-tailed golden-haired lion coming out from behind a boulder, Murong Jin couldn't help but frowned. "Xu Yao, it is the strength of the second-level peak, and its strength is very strong."

  "En!" Nodding, Shen Xuyao waved his hand and threw out twelve ribs of a second-level monster, trapping the three-tailed golden lion in the middle.


  Looking at the human-high animal bones around it, the three-tailed golden lion howled, trying to rush out of this strange animal bone fence, but was slashed by a white light. Afterwards, the alchemy formations on each animal bone lit up. Dao Senhan's sword energy crazily attacked the three-tailed golden-haired lion.


  Dodging left and right, the three-tailed golden lion wanted to break out of the encirclement, but it couldn't dodge no matter how hard it tried. It couldn't get out no matter how hard it rushed. The closer it got to those animal bones, the harder it was struck by the white sword energy.

  Looking at the scarred three-tailed golden lion trapped in the alchemy formation, the corners of Murong Jin's lips curled up involuntarily. "Xu Yao, your formation is so powerful!"

  "Well, this is a second-level alchemy formation." After speaking, Shen Xuyao took out two second-level explosive balls.

  This Ten Thousand Swords Killing Formation, as well as the two explosive balls in his hand, were specially prepared by him for this three-tailed golden lion. If he hadn't been prepared, how could he dare to come here rashly?


  The three-tailed golden lion struggled in the formation for an entire hour. Only then did he break an animal bone and ran out of the formation. Seeing it running out, Shen Xuyao threw a second-level explosive ball over.


  With a loud noise, the three-tailed golden lion, which was already scarred, was even more injured, and its two hind legs were blown off.

  Seeing the three-tailed golden lion at the end of its power, Murong Jin immediately rushed forward with the Wind Shadow Wolf and the Little Black Snake.

  Shen Xuyao did not participate in the battle. He stood aside, his eyes always staring at the three-tailed golden lion. "Die, die!"

  As Shen Xuyao muttered, a blue light pierced the big head of the three-tailed golden lion like a long sword.


  Feeling the danger approaching, the three-tailed golden lion hurriedly dodged, and the blue light rubbed its big head, leaving a ferocious wound on the three-tailed golden lion's back.

  "How come you're not dead?"

  Hearing the master's question, Xiaoyan was very helpless. "It's stronger than us. It's not easy for you to kill it with one strike."

  "Okay, then break off the two front legs." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao used the Spiritual Word Technique for the second time. After advancing to the second level, he can use the Spiritual Word Technique twice a day.

  The blue light flew out again, this time heading straight for the two front legs of the three-tailed golden lion.

  Sensing Shen Xuyao's sneak attack, the three-tailed golden lion still dodged for a while, so the blue light only hit one leg. One leg snapped off, and the three-tailed golden-haired lion screamed in pain.

  After taking a look at Xiao Yan who was paralyzed on his shoulder, Shen Xuyao took it into the sea of consciousness, held the gun in his hand and joined the battle.


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