Chapter 185 Feng Hua's Thoughts

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Chapter 185 Feng Hua's Thoughts

  One month later, Luohua Town.

  Sitting on a chair, Lord Feng was looking at the big box below. Brothers and sisters Feng Zhang and Feng Min were examining the medicine, while Feng Hua was sitting beside him, holding a pot of crayfish, eating with a look of intoxication.

  Brothers and sisters Feng Zhang and Feng Min checked it three times, and only after confirming that it was correct, did they come back to report.

  "Father, there are a thousand potions in total, all of them are fourth-level low-grade potions, five hundred potions suitable for soul pet masters, and five hundred potions suitable for soul pets. There are no waste potions, and there are no expired potions."

  "Yes, my eldest brother and I checked it three times. It's absolutely fine." Nodding, Feng Min said the same.

  Hearing this, Lord Feng raised his eyebrows. "A thousand potions are all level four low-grade potions?"

  "Yes, they are all fourth-level low-grade potions." Nodding, Feng Zhang said yes.

  Hearing this, Lord Feng touched his chin. "How did Shen Xuyao refine it? How could a thousand potions be of the same level? It was the same last time, and all the thousand potions were of the third-level top-grade. Now they are all of the fourth-level low-grade .”

  Town Lord Feng thought this was a bit strange. There were pharmacists in the town Lord's mansion as well. However, the pharmacists in the mansion were not able to make potions like this. Those skilled pharmacists could make fourth-grade top-grade potions. Unfamiliar fourth-level low-grade or medium-grade ones. Why are they all on the same level here at Shen Xuyao?

  "Could it be that they were selected and gave us all the fourth-level low-grade potions?" After thinking about it, Mrs. Feng said.

  "My child thinks it's impossible, because these potions were refined within a year, and there is no problem that they have been accumulated for several years." At this point, Feng Zhang also looked confused.

  "Click!" Feng Hua bit off the claws of a crayfish, causing the other four people to look at him.

  Mayor Feng rolled his eyes when he saw his little son sitting there knowing how to eat after he came back. "Let me ask you a question? Why are all potions of the same quality?"

  Hearing this, Feng Hua held the crayfish in his hand, raised his head, and looked at the other four people suspiciously. "How do I know? I'm not a pharmacist."

  After receiving such an answer, Town Master Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips. "Did you fail to inspect the goods again?"

  "The goods have been inspected. Uncle Ma and other guards inspected them. If you don't believe me, ask Uncle Ma."

  After looking at his youngest son, Town Master Feng looked at Uncle Ma who was standing aside. Ask the other person with your eyes.

  "Reporting to the town leader, the goods were inspected, but they were inspected after Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin left. The husband and wife put down the potion and left. They used a teleportation array, and we couldn't catch up at all." At this point , Uncle Ma was also helpless.

  Hearing this, Lord Feng rolled his eyes. He turned to look at his younger son. "Can't you tell them to leave after the inspection?"

  "Hey, they are dangerous outside, why are they talking so much? They won't cheat me anyway, what grade of potion do you care about? Can it be sold?"

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